He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school. 他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。
I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue. 我曾用口求告他,我的舌头,也称他为高。
Looking at McAllister they extolled him for his extra attempt to save the club. 看着麦克阿利斯特,他们表扬了他为抢救俱乐部所做出的额外的努力。
Ruth had extolled the restaurant so much that Linda felt compelled to try it. 鲁丝对饭店大为赞赏,琳达觉得非得进去去试试。
In "To mutate, or not to mutate"( and others), I extolled the virtues of immutability& immutable objects cannot get into an inconsistent state. 在“变还是不变?”(和其他文章中),我赞扬了不可变的优点,不可变对象不能进入不稳定的状态。
There's nothing wrong with the design extolled in those articles, but I'm going to provide a rationale for a different design here. 这些文章中有关设计的内容没有错误,但是我想在此处给出一个采用不同设计的理由。
Extolled the method of nonviolent struggle 称赞非暴力奋斗的方法
The late Peter Drucker made a strong case for the transformative impact of management that makes workers 'strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant, and extolled the virtues of innovation. 已故的彼得德鲁克(PeterDrucker)有力的论证了管理的变革性影响&管理能让工人们扬长避短,他还赞扬了创新的美德。
This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe. 这部史诗歌颂了这个原始部落的创始人。
This German Socialism, which took its schoolboy task so seriously and solemnly, and extolled its poor stock-in-trade in such mountebank fashion, meanwhile gradually lost its pedantic innocence. 这种德国的社会主义,将学术性看得如此严肃和神圣,并且以这种江湖郎中的风格颂扬它的差劲的手段,同时渐渐失去了它的学究式的天真。
Travelogues extolled the scenic beauty or historic interest of spots in distant provinces, and temple or shrine pilgrimages to distant places were popular. 旅行见闻录颂扬了遥远省份一些地点的风景之美或历史趣味,而到远方朝拜或朝圣开始流行起来。
David suddenly felt that he was in his element and extolled the good points of each horse. 大卫心血来潮地以为这是逞能的好机会,称赞每一匹马的优点。
They were extolled as heroes. 他们被当做英雄来颂扬。
The individuals extolled or never abused by Taiwan are of course few in number but deserve close attention. 被台湾不骂,或者吹捧的人,当然是少数,但是很值得注意。
He extolled her virtues sky-high. 他将她的美德捧到天上去了。
Mothers, conventionally extolled in the literature as an essential artistic image, are generous, devoted, selfless, altruistic, gentle and benign, all of which are the general characteristics of traditional mothers. 摘要母亲,是文学作品中历来歌咏的一个重要艺术形象,博大宽厚、无私奉献、不计得失,不知索取,温顺恬静,慈爱祥和,是传统母亲形象的一般特点。
They extolled the conqueror to the sky subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe. 他们把征服者捧上了天。用敬畏的情绪征服他人。
She was extolled as a genius. 她被誉为天才。
There are some beautiful girls being ready for giving us the best of wishes with a famous song named Elelweiss, which extolled happiness. 有一首很著名的祝福幸福的歌叫做《雪绒花》,一群美丽的女孩已经准备好为我们献上最美的祝愿!
He also promised economic gain from "peaceful nuclear explosions," which many American nuclear researchers extolled for, say, digging canals. 他还预言“用于和平目的的核爆炸”定能产生经济效益,这也是很多美国核研究人员交口盛赞的,比如挖掘运河。
The beautiful and soothing calm of eventide has been extolled by a thousand poets, and yet it does not bring with it the far-reaching and sublime thoughts of the half-hour that precedes the rising of a summer's sun. 无数的词人歌颂过黄昏的美丽和恬静,可是黄昏却没有夏季日出半小时以前那种雄壮瑰丽的气魄。
In this space we've often extolled the value of ergonomics and ergonomic equipment. 在这个空间我们经常赞美的价值,人机工程学和人体工程学的设备。
His Black Eyed Peas better half has also extolled the supportive aspect of their relationship, which began in2004 after Duhamel admitted in an interview that he'd had a dream about her. 他的黑眼豆豆还赞扬了他们的关系,从2004年开始,杜哈明在接受采访时承认,他有一个关于她的梦想。
The Parisian police, so much extolled for acumen, are cunning, but no more. 巴黎警察一向以智慧称道于世,实在不外是桀黠罢了。
Its feature was to publicize traditional ethics, embellished peace prospects and extolled merits and virtues of emperor, therefore it embodied the style of imperial court drama. 后者则属宫廷艺人之作,以宣扬教化、点缀升平和歌功颂德为特色,体现出宫廷杂剧的风格。
The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory. 这位将军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。
Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. 我的仆人行事必有智慧,(或作行事通达)必被高举上升,且成为至高。
The writer was extolled to the skies. 那位作家被吹捧得上了天。
This film of national betrayal was extolled by Liu Shao-chi as one of "patriotism". 刘少奇把这部卖国主义影片吹捧为爱国主义影片。
Ancient customs were extolled as a better guide to living. 古老的习俗被赞颂为更好的生活指南。