Khalifa claims the passing of the anti-terror bill has allowed the police, whom he says have a long history of committing extrajudicial killings, to act with impunity. 哈利法塔称反恐法案的通过允许警察,他称有一个悠久的历史承诺可以采取法外处决,而不受惩罚。
Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters 关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约
The civil actions are by relatives of Tamil victims of alleged extrajudicial killings during the Sri Lankan civil war. 这些民事案件是由在斯里兰卡内战期间被非法杀害的塔米尔猛虎组织的亲属递交的。
The report also criticised the use of coerced confessions from prisoners, extrajudicial killings, torture and forced labour camps. 该报告还批评中国对犯人逼供、非法杀害、拷打和劳改。
Impact of the Application of Extrajudicial Spermidine and Its Inhibitor on the Change of Chemical and Biological Substance in the Female Flower Differentiation of Cucumber Seedlings with the Top-removing 外施亚精胺及其抑制剂对黄瓜去顶苗雌花分化中生化物质变化的影响
The pictures triggered public outrage and a crippling four-month strike over a steep rise in extrajudicial killings. 这些照片引起公众对法外处决激增的怒火,以及4个月的断断续续的罢工。
ADR is the abbreviation of Alternative Dispute Resolution, It is the general name of various kinds of Extrajudicial System. ADR是AlternativeDisputeResolution的简称,是诉讼外各种纠纷解决方式的总称。
Presenting civil prosecutions, supporting civil prosecutions, or as the legal supervision organ, issuing suggestions and making extrajudicial conciliation have been the main methods for procuratorial organs to present civil public prosecutions in recent legal practice. 在目前的司法实践中,检察机关提起公益诉讼主要采用提起民事诉讼、支持民事诉讼或者利用检察机关作为法律监督机关发出检察建议或调解的非讼方式。
China has already set up modern civil disputation as other countries, including Judicial System and Extrajudicial System. 和世界各国一样,中国也已建立起多元化的现代民事纠纷解决制度,其中包括诉讼机制和非诉机制。
Searching for the Harmony Between Judicial System and Extrajudicial System 寻求诉讼机制与非诉机制的和谐
Based on these considerations, the author proposed to the administrative discretion of extrajudicial control. 基于这些考虑,笔者提出了要对行政自由裁量权进行法外控制。
At the same time, the author talked about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The fourth part introduced the ways to avoid corporation deadlock litigation through extrajudicial measures. 同时对这些方式和手段的利弊也做了分析。第四部分阐述了司法之外如何有效地避免公司僵局诉讼的问题。