推断;推知;外推 to estimate sth or form an opinion about sth, using the facts that you have now and that are valid for one situation and supposing that they will be valid for the new one
The figures were obtained by extrapolating from past trends. 这些数据是从过去的趋势推断出来的。
We have extrapolated these results from research done in other countries. 我们从其他国家所作的研究中推断出这些结果。
VERB 推断;推知 If you extrapolate from known facts, you use them as a basis for general statements about a situation or about what is likely to happen in the future.
Extrapolating from his American findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths might be attributed to smoking... 根据他在美国的调查结果推断,他估计这些人中约有80%可能死于吸烟。
It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case. 根据一个案例来推断总的趋势是没有用的。
Extrapolating from his American findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths might be attributed to smoking 根据他在美国的调查结果推断,他估计这些人中约有80%可能死于吸烟。
It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case. 根据一个案例来推断总的趋势是没有用的。
Prominent among the various techniques that can help to extrapolate past date into future trends are the following: time series, least squares method, exponential smoothing, regression and correlation. 由历史数据推测未来趋势的众多方法中较突出的有:时间序列法、最小平方法、指数平滑法、回归分析和相关分析。
You may also want to only do detailed logging on a random fraction of requests and extrapolate from there. 您还可能会想只对请求的一个随机部分执行详细的日志记录,然后从中进行普遍性推断。
New lightweight agile domains are now available to help extrapolate designs. 现在有新的轻量型敏捷域可用于帮助推断设计。
It is natural to want to extrapolate and automate the process so that the transformation is clean and complete. 人们很自然地想对这一过程进行延伸和自动化,以使转换显得整洁和完整。
What kind of information can you extrapolate from team velocity? 可以从团队进度中推断出哪些信息。
Subsequently, when the application gets developed, process a small number of files and extrapolate from the numbers. 随后,进行了应用程序开发之后,处理少量的文件,并根据得到的数据进行推断。
It then used this to extrapolate back the origins of language to Africa. 由此推断出语言的发源地为非洲。
This work also offers a reminder: If you just extrapolate from the recent past to predict the economic future, you are likely to be wrong. 这项研究还提醒我们:如果你仅仅根据近期状况来预测未来经济走向,你的预测很可能是错的。
But it would be ahistoric to extrapolate and assume with any high degree of confidence that China will enjoy such extraordinary growth rates over the long term. 但是,带着高度信心来推断和假设中国将长期享受这种超常增长速度,就是脱离历史语境了。
Because there were so few work days in January, statisticians had to extrapolate to produce figures for the full month, but economists suspect that they may have overestimated industrial activity in the process. 由于1月份工作日这么少,因此统计人员不得不推算得出全月的数据,但经济学家们怀疑,在此过程中他们可能过高估算了工业活动。
I want you to extrapolate his path. 我要你推断他的路径。
We do not know the exact figure for forest damage, but we can extrapolate from the sample surveys. 我们不知道森林破坏的精确数字,但是我们可以从抽样的测量来推算。
The number needed to treat ( NNT) was used to extrapolate the trials for an individual patient. 需治数(NNT)是用来以一个患者评价试验。
We can only extrapolate from their remains. 我们只能从恐龙化石中做出推测。
You observe that nature had been like this for all the time before and then you extrapolate in the future and think it will be like that every time in the future. 你观察到自然一直都这样,然后你推断将来,认为这在将来每时每刻都会一样。
One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room. 从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小。
The answer is yes, but on conditions that seem increasingly implausible if we extrapolate current policies. 答案是肯定的,但有一些前提条件。如果我们延续当前的政策,这些前提条件似乎越来越无法成立。
Because we extrapolate from what has happened in the past to what will happen in the future. I have lost you I can see. 因为我们从过去发生的事情推断,将来会发生的事,我觉得你们有点晕了。
Losses on loans are based on conservative models and also extrapolate information from market valuations of related securities. 贷款方面的亏损是基于保守的模型,而且也是从相关证券的市场估价来推算信息。
To determine the human dose-response curve, one must extrapolate down from the high-dose laboratory data. 要确定人类的剂量反应曲线,就必须从高剂量的实验室数据进行外推。
You assume the future will be like the past, or you extrapolate a trend. 他们假设未来将与过去类似,或按照目前的趋势进行推演。
It is no longer necessary to extrapolate from a small sample of data; now it is possible to analyse an entire dataset. 今后再没有必要只根据小范围的数据样本进行推断了;现在已有可能做到分析整个数据集。
Their stock price, if you extrapolate that out for today, the point is about here after splits. 如果我们估计他们现在股票的价格,差不多到这里。
It also enables us to extrapolate the present soul structure and its possible connection to the future soul form. 它也是我们能预测现在的灵魂构造以及它连接灵魂未来形式的可能性。
A week is not enough data to extrapolate the effectiveness of TDD on a multi-month or multi-year project. 一个星期所产出的数据是没法衡量在长达数月或是数年的项目中TDD的效用的。
We're asking ourselves whether it is possible to extrapolate from past to future legitimately. 我们质问自身,是否有可能合理地从过去中推断未来。
You can't extrapolate from Shanghai or Beijing. 你不能根据上海或北京的情况进行推断。
We see lots of observations and therefore we naturally extrapolate to a generalization like this. 我们有许多观察所以我们,自然地推断这样的推广。