Why waste money on such extravagances? 为什么把钱浪费在这些奢侈品上呢?
I was never one for extravagances. 我从不追求奢侈。
Colleges and universities in China are now in a critical period of development, characterized by scantiness of funds and resources on the one hand but extravagances on the other. 我国高校正处于发展的关键时期,一方面经费和资源紧缺,另一方面浪费现象严重。
I do not regard books as extravagances. 我认为书不是侈奢品。
Also, at this time it is hard for you to say no to food, drink, or extravagances in any form. 同时,对于食物、美酒和各种奢侈品你都很难拒绝。
I am disappointed that I cannot report any extravagances in his opinions on the old masters. 我感到很失望,不能写下他在评论一些老派画家时的谬论。
Track your spending and cut out extravagances. 追踪你所花费的,并杜绝奢侈浪费;
Whenever they halted to change, there he was, in short committing so many extravagances that Kit's mother was quite afraid of him. 遇到停车换马,总是先看到他,总之,他这样不必要的举动太多了,使得吉特的妈妈对他也十分害怕起来。
From fun ideas for those shopping on a budget, to guidelines for choosing those once-in-a-lifetime extravagances, these handy tips will guide you throughout the year. 从正在一个预算上购物的人们的有趣的主意,对指导方针为了选择那些曾经-在-一-终生奢侈,这些便利的顶端将会一整年指导你们。
Scholarly analyses have turned into irrelevant extravagances for snobs. 学术分析变成了那些自命不凡的人毫不相干的放纵言论。
I do not regard books as extravagances. We should oppose and put a stop to the unhealthy tendency of being extravagant or wasteful. 我认为书不是侈奢品.反对铺张浪费,制止挥霍奢侈之风。
Jeff Zucker, chief executive of NBC Universal, is planning to seize on the writers 'strike to eliminate what he sees as extravagances in the way Hollywood makes and promotes television. NBC环球(NBCUniversal)首席执行官杰夫•朱克(JeffZucker)计划利用编剧罢工的机会,根除他眼中好莱坞电视制作与宣传的铺张方式。
I do not regard books as extravagances. A sumptuous man was the Farmer-General. 我认为书不是侈奢品.赋税承包商是个奢侈的人。
Thirdly, controlling leave factory pressure of industry water pumping station and eliminating the energy extravagances caused by too high leave factory pressure. 控制工业水泵站出厂压力,消除出厂压力过高造成的能量浪费;