But studios as a whole remain laser-focused on testosterone-fueled action extravaganzas because those pictures are the ones being gobbled in growing overseas markets. 但是总体而言,电影公司还是更关注刺激的动作大场面,因为日益增长的海外市场对这样的影片有着大量需求。
As the standard-bearer of the photonics industry, LASER World of PHOTONICS both in Munich and Shanghai have been renowned as the annual extravaganzas in this field. 作为激光、光学、光电行业的风向标,慕尼黑和上海的LASER品牌展会已成为了该行业的年度盛会。
Performers move in perfect unison or in regimented choreography in a way that would make North Korea, a master of such extravaganzas, envious. 演员们整齐的移动,严格的舞蹈设计甚至会让北韩都嫉妒了&北韩精通于这种表演。
Science fiction filmmaking has been reduced by Star Wars to poorly written special effects extravaganzas. 由于受到《星球大战》的影响,科幻电影的制作,尤其是特技方面受到很大的限制。
In addition to the splendid opening and closing extravaganzas, the theatrical events at the Theater Season are both new and full of dynamic. 本届国际戏剧演出季除开幕式盛况空前,闭幕式灿烂夺目外,中间部分的演出新鲜而充满活力。
The most obvious is that it lets churches put on extravaganzas. 最明显的就是能让教会组织一些盛大的活动。
But the biggest thrill for voyeurs of excess is in reading about those who pump cash into one-off extravaganzas. 但是,对于喜欢打探奢侈行为的人而言,最大的震撼莫过于听说有人把钱像水一样扔到一次性的豪华场面中。
Only toward the end of this film do the special effects ramp up into spectacular extravaganzas. 直到影片的最后,特效才达到了极至,炫目夺采。
The bodies that oversee these extravaganzas are avowedly non-political; they argue that such contests promote international goodwill. 监管这些比赛的机构声称它们不考虑政治因素;它们认为这样的赛事能促进国际亲善。