V-ERG 充分显露 If someone exudes a quality or feeling, or if it exudes, they show that they have it to a great extent.
The guerrillas exude confidence. Every town, they say, is under their control... 游击队员显得信心十足,他们说每座城镇都在他们的控制之下。
She exudes an air of relaxed calm... 她表现出一副气定神闲的样子。
A dogged air of confidence exuded. 坚定不移的信心显露无遗。
V-ERG (使)渗出;(使)逸出 If something exudes a liquid or smell or if a liquid or smell exudes from it, the liquid or smell comes out of it slowly and steadily.
Nearby was a factory which exuded a pungent smell. 旁边是一家散发出刺鼻气味的工厂。
...the fluid that exudes from the cane toad's back. 海蟾蜍背部分泌的液体