If the same multitude which had stood as eye-witnesses while Hester Prynne sustained her punishment could now have been summoned forth, they would have discerned no face above the platform, nor hardly the outline of a human shape, in the dark grey of the midnight. 假如当年海丝特.白兰忍辱受罚时站在那里围观的人群能够重新召集起来的话,他们在这昏黑的午夜依然无法分辨台上人的面孔,甚至也难以看清那人的轮廓。
Shocked eye-witnesses heard He tell his victim to 'wait where he was' before he ran off upstairs. 惊呆了的目击者听到何某对受害者说你在这等着然后就跑上楼去。
Eye-witnesses say he went quietly. 目击证人说他被捕后很安静。
And as we know from eye-witnesses ( and the film), such orders were not only given, but also somewhat brutally enforced on board the Titanic. 并且,就如我们从目击者(以及电影)中得知的,在泰坦尼克号上,这样的命令光下达没用,还得粗暴地强制执行。
According to data of eye-witnesses around Nablus tanks were stationed also approximately. 据资料目击者纳布卢斯附近的坦克也派驻了大约。
Psychological profiling is often more helpful to detectives than statements from eye-witnesses. 对侦探来说,罪犯的心理档案往往比目击证人的证词更有帮助。