I use a pencil eyeliner ( rather than a liquid eyeliner) and apply it below my eye. 用眼线笔(而不是眼线液)在眼睛下面画上眼线。
Im gonna load up my SOHO angled brush with my black eyeliner, and of course, line my eyes! 我会用黑色眼线膏沾满我的SOHO斜角刷,然后当然,画我的眼线!
She showcased her new blonde bombshell hairdo and finished off the look with lashings of red lipstick and heavy black eyeliner. 她也展示了新的惊艳发型,涂了大量的红色唇膏和沉重的黑色眼影。
You can only do so much with hair, so the eyeliner perfects the picture and makes it look realistic. 法瑞尔说,因为单靠头发剪出的样子比较固定,所以要用眼线笔来美化图案让它们看起来更逼真。
Michael had eyeliner, lips and eyebrows permanently tattooed. 迈克尔的眼线、唇线和眉毛都是纹上去的,永不褪色。(某兔评:难道这就是懒人的做法&一劳永逸?)
His tools are pretty basic standard barber clippers, trimmers and razors, and colored eyeliner for the finishing touches, all put together in a neat toolbox. 罗伯使用的工具其实都非常简单,标准的理发专用剪、修剪器、剃刀和眼线笔等,这些都被装在一个干净的工具箱里。
Use eyeliner and mascara that make your eyes appear larger, and use eye shadow that works well with your skin tone and eye color. 使用眼线笔和睫毛膏让眼睛看起来更大,用眼影来衬托肤色与眼睛的颜色。
Throw in some eyeliner and mascara, eyeshadow and face powder, or even the more extreme ( but very popular) face contouring, and you can look almost like an entirely different person. 若是再画眼线,涂睫毛膏,打眼影,扑粉,甚至有点极端(但颇流行的)画点脸部轮廓线,你完全可以变成另一个人。
Dolan scrolled through some of the latest posts: one featured gold glitter eyeliner; another, coral-colored cheeks. 多兰浏览了一下最新发布的一些帖子:一张是极富特色的金色闪粉眼线,另一张是珊瑚色腮红。
A new study in the Eye and Contact Lens journal found that using eyeliner on your inner lash line may put you at risk for infection and vision trouble. 《眼睛和隐形眼镜》杂志的一个新的研究发现,使用眼线笔画内眼线可能会造成感染和视力问题。
The viaduct painted by Braque stood out against the hillside. On the boat, I sat by a handful of local teenage girls with dark eyeliner, short skirts, fluorescent T-shirts and sneakers. 布拉克笔下的高架桥耸立在山腰的背景之下。我坐在船上,身边一群本地少女画着黑眼线,穿着短裙、鲜艳的荧光T恤和运动鞋。
You might want to think twice before layering on your eyeliner at your lower lash line. 用眼线笔画下眼线前你可能要三思而后行。
The day progresses, she starts adding on more makeup, such as eyeliner, bronzer and blush. 慢慢地,她开始加厚妆容,比如划上眼线,涂上古铜色亮粉,再扫点腮红。
Just outside the top ten included hair straighteners, fake tan, nail varnish and eyeliner or mascara. 除前十种最常借用的物品外,男性还借用过伴侣的头发拉直器、人工美黑慕斯、指甲油和眼线笔或睫毛膏。
Along with the drawn-on follicles, Jackson had his eyeliner, lips and eyebrows permanently tattooed. 除了这些,杰克逊同时还有永久性的纹眉,纹唇和眼线。
Haven't you heard of eyeliner? 你以前听说过眼线膏吗?
My sister is such a pro with the eyeliner swoosh. 我姐姐真是一个变色眼线的达人。
Also, make full use of the quality of a good eyeliner, waterproof effect will be better. 还有,尽量使用品质好的眼线笔,防水效果会更好些。
As for the "flying" eyebrows, nine elder brother says he just love, like the eyebrows and his long hair match, sometimes he will draw point of makeup, but only painted eyeliner. 至于“飞扬”的眉毛,九哥说他只是爱美,觉得这样的眉毛与他长长的头发比较搭配,有时他还会画点淡妆,但只限于描描眼线。
This morning my wife put on eye shadow, eyeliner and eyelashes. 今天早上,我老婆搽了眼影,画了眼线,抹了睫毛膏。
One time I was waking up on a plane, it had been a long flight and I didn't have eyeliner& so I used a Sharpie. 有一次我在飞机上醒过来,那是一次很长的旅行我没有画眼线。所以我只好用一只记号笔。
I like this a lot, this whole eyeliner swoosh in colors that are so surprising yet subtle at the same time. 意大利品牌玛尼的超酷美妆我非常喜欢这款妆容,整个眼线在颜色的变化中流转,即令人惊讶又同时很微妙。
This definition includes more than just lipstick, blush and eyeliner. 这个定义不仅包括口红,腮红,和眼线膏。
Bad enoughI can't board first class with my liquid eyeliner. 我带着液体眼线膏就不让我上课。这已经够糟了。
Yet no Eyeliner was found at the crime scene. 但是在现场却没有发现眼线笔。
Is a magic! Is a kind of liquid to change an eye shadow to become an eyeliner. 这是将一般眼影转换成为眼线液的魔法眼妆转换液。
His eyes are highlighted by thick eyeliner. 这个无须的年轻人拥有着非常柔和的面部特征,浓浓的眼线则重点突出了他的眼睛。
NO08,3. I need to apply some more eyeliner and lipstick. 我需要多上一点眼线和口红。
Makeup used to outline the eyes. "Eyeliner is huge for spring," Costa said. 眼线笔用来加强眼的轮廓的化妆品考斯塔说:春季用眼线笔过于浓重。