Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats. 普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。
Meaning, customers had to trust in the quality of goods they were going to be able to buy online, but more importantly, they had to be confident they were not going to be fleeced by faceless sellers using the Internet to perpetrate their fraud. 这意味着,顾客必须相信他们准备在线购买的商品的质量,而更重要的是,他们必须相信,他们不会被那些用互联网实施诈骗的匿名卖家所骗。
Stempel should have risen up in the 1960s when the automaker was being turned over to a faceless succession of accountants and bureaucrats. 那时候,公司的管理大权被移交到一群个性平庸的会计师和官僚主义者手中。
There are no faceless CEOs in the auto industry today. 当下,来自汽车行业的CEO几乎都是声名远扬。
If you think Germanys Octopus oracle is magical, China also had a faceless superior being that caused a sensation on the Internet with his predictions. 可能你觉得德国的章鱼保罗很神奇,中国的一位未曾露面的高级存在也用他的预测在网络中造成了轰动。
Companies often like to team up with animals to help appeal to a wider audience, a technique which can help to personalize faceless brands whilst providing an element of cuteness and comic relief. 公司总是喜欢跟能够帮助他们吸引更多观众的动物合作,这个方法可以帮助那些没有个性的品牌,给他们增添一些可爱和喜剧元素。
It failed: the faceless state bureaucrats have been replaced by faceless ( better-paid) private bureaucrats – and big foreign corporations. 这是在愚弄大众:不知羞耻的政府官僚已经变成了不知羞耻且收入更高的私人官僚和国外大公司。
And if writing about the difficult parts of your life were a drug, writes Drake Baer at Business Insider, it would be making bank for some faceless pharmaceutical company. 如果记录生活中的艰难时刻的做法是一种药物,德雷克·贝尔(DrakeBaer)在商业内幕(BusinessInsider)网站上写道,一些不知名的制药公司就可以一夜暴富了。
A company ( which could just as easily be a single person rather than a faceless entity made up of thousands) can make the same choice with their potential hires. 公司(更像是一个人,而不是由数千个人组成的匿名实体)在招聘时,也可以做出同样的选择。
There are so many interpretations of what is appropriate for Muslim women to wear; however being faceless and shrouded in black should not be an option. 关于穆斯林妇女穿什么合适的解释虽然很多,但是蒙着脸并罩在黑色下不应该做为一种选择。
As the occurrence of faceless electron money on Internet, the dematerialize that the product sells, it is more and more difficult that pay taxes object is decided really. 随着互联网上匿名电子货币的出现,产品销售的非物质化,纳税对象的确定越来越难。
In retribution, the Dragon Knight Cate, former Duchess of Griffin, has threatened to awaken the Faceless so that they might wage their own war against the powers of Light. 作为回应,前任狮鹫大公的夫人,龙骑士凯特威胁要唤醒沉睡的无面者以加入这场他们发起的对抗光明的战争。
Usually, this "faceless" communication doesn't create problems. 通常这种看不到对方面孔的沟通并不会产生问题。
IN TRADITIONAL war films, the enemy is faceless. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。
Knowing he will now never resolve his differences with his father, Anton begins his crusade against the Faceless. 认识到自己同父亲之间无法摆脱的差距后,安东开始了自己对于无面者的远征。
Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day. 每天都有大量普通的人涌进这个城市。
He's not a populist at all. He's sort of a typical throwback to the Japanese prime minister of yore, the faceless grey suits. 他一点也不受欢迎,他有点像是退回到传统典型的日本首相,面无表情地身着灰色西装。
Many of deepest areas are held by faceless ones. 最深处的许多地区被无面者们所占据。
The mysterious voices that plagued his early years but had been eventually muted with the help of Jorgen, one of his father's councilors, return and blame the Faceless. 他早年耳边萦绕着的神秘声音曾在其父亲的顾问尤根的帮助下消失了一段时间,但是现在那个声音又回来了,并且将一切归咎于无面者。
It's how you demonstrate that you are not just one of hundreds of nameless, faceless students who show up a job fair to clamor for a few seconds of attention. 它能够证明你不只是一个在招聘会吸引几秒钟注意力的不显眼的数百名学生之一。
THE European Union is not the only institution that prefers faceless technocrats to people with star power. 欧盟不是唯一倾向于具有明星效应之人而非默默无闻的专业管理者的机构。
However, customers are not nameless, faceless voices; they are people who enjoy being and deserve to be treated courteously and fairly. 不过,来电的客户可不是没有姓名和没有脸孔的声音而己;他们喜欢被并也应被礼貌且公平对待。
He was just another faceless bureaucrat. 他只不过是一个典型呆板的官员。
All bookshops in British airports are faceless chains: mere "outlets" on the model of a factory or production line. 英国机场中的所有书店都是毫无特质的连锁店:只不过是工厂或流水线模式的“门面”罢了。
Everyone else in the company is a faceless minion working to please the all-seeing and all-knowing Jobs. 公司里的其他人都是姓名不详的属下,努力讨好这位无所不知无所不闻的乔布斯。
And I, too, disappeared deep inside a faceless camp. 我也是消失在没有颜面的帐篷里。
Crowds of faceless people poured into the capital of the country during the holidays. 假日期间有大量的普通人涌进这个国家的首都。
In a dramatic announcement after midnight in Washington, Mr Rudd, whom Ms Gillard ousted as prime minister in a coup in 2010, blamed attacks by faceless men for his decision. 陆克文午夜后在华盛顿宣布了这一戏剧性的决定,他表示,辞职决定可归咎于某些无名人士的攻击。吉拉德2010年在一次行动中把时任澳大利亚总理的陆克文赶下了台。
It turned out she was one of those faceless bureaucrats who control our lives. 原来她就是控制我们生活的幕后官僚之一。
When a smoldering conflict between the Angels and the Faceless broke into open war, Michael was appointed to lead the children of Light into battle against the children of Darkness. 当天使和无面者之间的冲突最终爆发成全面战争的时候,米迦勒受命领导光明的子民对抗黑暗的子民。