The volume of surgical procedures, such as facelifts and liposuction, is rising at 8% a year, while minimally invasive treatments like hair and spider vein removal with lasers are increasing 28% annually. 面部整容和抽脂术这类整容手术的总量以年均8%的速度在增长,而像褪毛和蜘蛛静脉激光切除等微创手术的年均增幅更是高达28%。
These have included three full facelifts, two nose operations, two eye lifts, liposuction, knees, waist, abdomen, thigh andjawlinesurgery. 其中包括3次面部去皱手术,两次修鼻手术,两次眼部提升手术,还接受过吸脂、削骨,瘦腰,腹部,瘦腿以及下和整形手术。
It's not so much that they always look young, exactly, or that they have the tightly pulled skin of traditional facelifts. 并不是他们看起来和年轻时没有任何变化,或者说他们有传说的美容后具有弹性的皮肤。
But China is hardly alone in using disposable income on facelifts and even justifying the cost as a career development expense. 不过,把可支配收入花在整容手术上,甚至将手术成本冠以职业发展开支之名,这种现象并非中国独有。
But now, laser surgery is a relatively painless alternative to facelifts and skin tucks. 而今,激光外科提供了一种相对来说痛苦较少的整容和拉皮术。
In true Hollywood style, she's had five marriages and three facelifts. 她已经有过五次婚姻,整过三次容,这是典型的好莱坞生活方式。
The newspaper quoted sources saying although facelifts are illegal, state surgeons are performing cosmetic surgeries in secret in return for bribes. 报纸引述朝鲜消息人士的话说,虽然脸部拉皮在该国是违法的,但是公立医院外科医生还是私下收贿动手术。
These days even dead Presidents get facelifts. 现如今,甚至连过世的总统们都要整容了。