The party was riven with factional fighting. 派系争斗使该党四分五裂。
An open factional struggle broke out among the warlords. 军阀内部火并。
But their purported leaders, whether Shia, Sunni or Kurd, tend to pursue factional and sectarian advantage, treating institutions as booty in a zero-sum game that threatens the survival of the country. 但他们所谓的领导人无论是什叶派、逊尼派还是库尔德人倾向于捞取派系和宗派之利,把国家机构当成零和游戏中的战利品。这种零和游戏威胁到伊拉克的存亡。
Despite factional differences, the Kurds still form a coherent political entity in their autonomous region of northern Iraq ( and to a lesser extent in Syria) which can govern retaken ground. 尽管存在派系上的分歧,但库尔德人仍能够在伊拉克北部自治区和叙利亚(程度不及前者)建立一个组织完善、可以治理收复地盘的政治实体。
It took over Gaza from forces loyal to Mr. Abbas's Fatah movement in 2007, after months of factional unrest. 经过几个月的派系斗争后,哈马斯从忠于阿巴斯的法塔赫运动的军队手中接管加沙地带。
The majority of people engaging in factional activities can be educated. 闹派性的人大部分是可以教育过来的。
The trouble that occurred along the line under the jurisdiction of the Nanchang Railway Bureau was partly attributable to some of the Jiangxi provincial authorities. It is imperative to cut the internal and external connections of individuals who engage in factional activities in the railway departments. 南昌铁路局的问题,省里就有人支持。一定要把铁路上搞派性活动的里外联系割断。
Persons engaging in factional activities should be re-educated and their leaders opposed. 对闹派性的人要再教育,要反对闹派性的头头。
What if a factional ringleader refuses to be transferred? 闹派性的头头不服从调动怎么办?
The factional forces in the North set up independent regimes. 现在北方各地方势力割据。
As Chang Kuo-tao's career shows, the greatest danger of such behaviour is that it may develop into factional activity. 因为两面派行为的最大的危险性,在于它可能发展到小组织行动;张国焘的历史就是证据。
First, they cling to their old factional mentality and are politically subversive, agitating against the Party. 他们坚持原来的帮派思想,有一套煽惑性和颠覆性的政治主张。
A rise in factional politics and greater differences of opinion among a new ( and weaker) generation of leaders might also undermine unity at the centre. 越来越多的派系不和,新一代领导集体内部逐渐增大的意见纷争,都可能会破坏中央统一。
Factional infighting have weaken the party structure. 派别之间的勾心斗角削弱了党的组织。
Factional struggle played an important role in the final failure of the system reform of university institute and university district. 在民国时期的大学院和大学区制的变革最终失败的过程中,派系斗争是其失败的重要原因。
Third, they have moved to different parts of the country and hidden out there, still maintaining their clandestine factional ties. 他们转移、散布和隐蔽在全国许多地方,秘密的派性联系还没有完全消灭;
North Korea may descend into factional in-fighting. 朝鲜可能会陷入派系内斗。
This raises the question whether it is possible to transform politics to replace enmity and factional conflict with friendship to replace conflict with harmony? 这就产生了一个问题,是否有可能转变政治,以友谊,取代敌对与派系冲突,以和谐取代冲突?
The Political Parties of the Literati and Officials in Late Ming Dynasty Had No Direct Connections with Their Intercourse Attitudes to the Jesuits; On the Factional Divergence and Fluctuation of Scholar-official Families in Wei and Jin Dynasties 晚明士大夫党派分野与其对耶稣会士交往态度无关论
They tried to force their factional preachings on the Marxists. 他们企图把他们宗派主义的宣传强加给马克思主义者。
The middle class he says is able to achieve the confidence of both extreme parties where at least it is sufficiently numerous to avoid the problems: of class struggle and factional conflict. 中间阶级,如他所言,能获致两种极端政党的信任,至少它的人数足以避免,阶级斗争与派系冲突的问题,亚里士多德写到。
Others engage in factional strife merely for personal gain and fame; 有的是为了争个人名利而打派仗;
Factional problems in the railways that the local governments are unable to handle will be dealt with by the ministry. 铁路上的派性问题,地方解决不了的,由铁道部解决。
First of all, we have settled accounts with the gang of four and launched a nationwide campaign to uncover their factional set-up and to expose and criticize their crimes; basically we have consolidated our leading bodies at all levels. 首先,我们清查了四人帮,在全国范围内展开了对四人帮帮派体系和他们的罪行的清算,基本上整顿了全国各级组织的领导班子。
Second, factional activities are banned. 第二,不准搞派别活动。
Factional politics has failed utterly to deal with these problems. 党派政治在对这些问题的处理上已彻底破败。
We must build a centralized, unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles. 我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清除干净。
Factional activities in Xuzhou were very serious, but in the end only three persons were brought under attack. 徐州闹得那么厉害,最后被打击的只有三个人。