This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence. 可以认为这实际上承认了该共和国的独立。
If a crime occurs then there is, ipso facto, a guilty party. 如果犯罪发生了,那么根据事实本身,就会有有罪的一方。
Supported by Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia achieved and maintained de facto independence from Georgia. 在俄国的支持下,阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯获得并维持了事实上的独立。
Therefore, the use of the de facto standard Spring is a requirement in your new project. 因此,使用事实上已经成为标准的Spring是新项目中的一种需求。
Application servers have emerged as the de facto platform for connecting service providers with service consumers. 应用程序服务器已经成为了用于将服务提供者与服务使用者进行连接的平台。
Rational Unified Process is the de facto industry standard for project lifecycle development and management. Rational统一过程(RUP)是业界进行项目生命周期控制与管理的事实上的标准。
Palette& A palette of tools is the de facto means for creating new objects in a diagram. 调色板。该工具的调色板是用于在图中创建新对象的实际方法。
The SSL and TLS protocols have become the de facto standard for securing network communications. SSL和TLS协议已经成为保护网络通信安全的实际标准。
As a result, Flash Video became the de facto standard of the web. 结果是FlashVideo成为了实际上的web标准。
Places on the ladder must not be taken ipso facto but must be interpreted with theprecautions above. 阶梯上的位置决不能采取依事实上,但必须解释与防范以上。
Unified modeling language ( UML) has been the facto standard for objected-oriented analysis and modeling design. UML已经成为面向对象分析与设计建模事实上的标准。
Though the king de jure retained the Mandate of Heaven, de facto the title held no real power. 虽然国王在法律上保留天命,事实上举行的标题没有真正的权力。
They have a de facto relationship although they aren't married. 虽然他们尚未结婚,但事实上他们已经有了婚姻关系。
This puts them de facto at a comparative disadvantage. 这使它们事实上处于比较上的劣势地们。
However, provincial broadcasters have gained de facto control of rivals through content production and programming agreements. 不过,通过内容制作和编排协议,各省台已获得了对竞争对手内容的实际控制权。
His confession of ignorance of French is, ipso facto, a confession of unfitness for his present office. 他承认不懂法文,事实上就等于承认不适合担任他现在的职务。
He was de jure prime minister, but de facto president. 他法律上是总理,但实际上是总统。
The Basis for One China, de Facto and de Jure 一个中国的事实和法理基础
The United States functions, that is, as the world's de facto government. 美国是全球的事实上的政府。
Fiscal decentralization in China is not a strict decentralization in legally, but a kind of de facto decentralization. 中国式财政分权并不是严格的法律意义上的分权,而是一种“事实性分权”。
He's her de facto husband, though they aren't actually married. 虽然他们没有真正结婚,但他实际上已是她的丈夫了。
Composite Applications are becoming the de facto programming model in the industry both in IT and consumer oriented applications. 组合应用正在成为业界(包括IT和以消费者为导向的应用)事实上的编程模型。
He continued to rule the country De facto. 实际上,他继续统治着这个国家。
Full attention to the carefully planned in advance and strict process management and control, ex post facto analysis and continuous improvement to ensure the authority of the product. 全员重视事前的周密计划和严格的过程管理与控制,事后的分析与持续完善,保证了产品的权威性。
The government of China took different measures to deal with de facto marriage. 我国在不同的历史时期对于事实婚姻采取了不同的措施。
Right now, wholesale short term funding is de facto insured but evades deposit insurance charges. 眼下,批发短期融资实际上得到了保险,但逃避了存款保险费。
I admit that I seek not just de facto independence for Taiwan but also de jure independence. 我承认,我追求的不仅是台湾的事实独立,而且是法理独立。
There would be zero room for publishers to negotiate anything in such a de facto monopoly. 会有零空间中的任何谈判等出版了事实上垄断。
A de facto tax increase for practically everybody. 几乎对人人都不例外的实际增税。