Gathering all these factoids is very easy using code metrics. 使用代码度量收集所有这些似乎正确的信息非常容易。
How many times have you searched for an answer online only to find yourself wandering through a hyperlink forest, gobbling up factoids, switching from LinkedIn to Facebook to email? 有多少次,你在网上搜寻答案,最终却发现自己被淹没在超链接的森林里,风卷残云般略过各种说法,从领英网调到脸谱网,再跳去邮箱?
The more news factoids you digest, the less of the big picture you will understand. 你对杜撰新闻消费得越多,你对现实宏图的了解就越少。
Google, with its instant access to factoids of dubious veracity, is singled out as a primary source of the malaise. 谷歌,因为人们通过它能即时访问真实性可疑的信息,成为了不安定因素的一个原始来源。