Also on Wednesday, media conglomerate News Corp. confirmed that it too was the subject of a U.S. bribery investigation, more fall-out from its phone hacking scandal. 同一天,传媒业巨头新闻集团(NewsCorp.)承认,受到电话窃听丑闻的影响,目前美国政府正在对该公司进行贿赂调查。
At the top of the agenda is preventing further fall-out from the global financial crisis. 会议的首要议题是防止经济在全球金融危机中进一步滑坡。
That total has increased steadily in an 11-year period from 2000, only slowing significantly in 2008 and 2009 to reflect the fall-out from the global financial crisis. 自2000年起的11年间,中国私募股权交易额稳步增加,只有2008年和2009年因全球金融危机的影响,增速大幅放缓。
Even though China would suffer from any drop in exports as a result of a US slowdown, the fall-out should be manageable. 即使美国经济放缓导致中国出口下降,其影响也应该是可以控制的。
Explosion is radical and immediate-there are usually casualties and fall-out. 爆发激烈而直接&经常有伤亡和伤害。
Americans living abroad have also been affected by the fall-out from the case. 居住在国外的美国人也受到这场风波的余波影响。
Sinclair says that he has recently seen his referrals increase as people battle to cope with the angry emotional fall-out from redundancy, heightened job insecurity or a suffocating mortgage. Sinclair说被推荐到他这里的人数在增加。人们要应对由于裁减、工作越来越不稳定、令人窒息的抵押贷款而产生的愤怒情绪后果。
Industrial regions of the world suffer much more acidic fall-out than they did before the industrial revolution. 现在,世界上的工业地区比工业革命前遭受到更多酸性沉降物。
People familiar with the deals said concerns about the political fall-out of the transactions and security concerns in Washington played a role in each. 熟悉这些交易的人士表示,对这些交易的政治冲击波的担忧,以及华盛顿的国家安全担忧,在每宗交易中都扮演了角色。
It seems our fall-out with Bolton has had quite significant consequences for the Gary Cahill deal. 看来我们与博尔顿的下降已相当显着的加里-卡希尔处理的后果。
Meanwhile, financial institutions all over Europe are trying to digest the fall-out from the U.S. 此外,遍布欧洲的金融机构还在尽力化解美国次级债危机的连锁影响。
That a cash-rich investor is considering a deal with the US investment bank which was hit hard by the fall-out from the subprime mortgage crisis should not come as a surprise. 一个现金充沛的投资者考虑入股一家因次级抵押贷款危机而遭受重创的美国投资银行,这不应令人感到意外。
She was brilliantly media savvy on one level but she often didn't think through the fall-out from some of her decisions. 她精辟媒体悟性在一个级别上,但她常常不认为通过回落,从她的一些决定。
China-based manufacturers generally provide inadequate information about environmental and social challenges facing their operations, exposing investors to unnecessary fall-out risks, according to a corporate governance watchdog. 一个公司治理观察组织称,中国的制造商在披露其业务所面临的环境和社会挑战方面,提供的信息通常不充分,从而使得投资者面临不必要的后续风险。
And there is more fall-out today over Thursday's release of a Lockerbie bomber. 周四洛克比空难主犯被释放事件现在引发了更多争论。
Much depends on how far an American downturn and the global fall-out from the mortgage bust weakens growth in the rest of the world. 这取决于美国经济低迷持续多久,次贷危机对全球经济影响有多深,世界其他区域增长减弱。一些区域增长放缓是不可避免的,尤其是富足区域,占了美国出口的一半。
The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan. 撒旦崇拜者如今正试图夸大对日本核扩散及核溶解的恐惧。
Many delegates also say they want to purge the poison that had come to permeate the UN since the fall-out over the Iraq war, corruption scandals and deep splits between the rich and poor worlds over its priorities. 许多代表团还表示,由于伊拉克战争的余波、腐败丑闻以及贫富国家在联合国优先权问题上深深的分歧,该机构弥漫着不良的风气,它们希望能消除这种风气。
Even if governments were successful in calming equity markets and unfreezing credit markets in the near future, Opec said that the fall-out on the real economy from the financial market headwinds is expected to be considerable. 欧佩克表示,即便各国政府在不久的将来成功稳定了股市并解冻了信贷市场,预计金融市场危机也将对实体经济产生重大影响。
One study suggested the cause might be radioactive fall-out from atom bombs. 一项研究认为起因可能是核炸弹的辐射尘。
The fall-out from the crisis around the world has also highlighted how global expansion can lead to the spreading of risk, sometimes to unexpected corners. 这场危机在全球造成的影响,也凸现出全球扩张如何能导致风险的扩散,有时候甚至会扩散到人们意想不到的角落。
In India, meanwhile, the economic fall-out appears to be stronger and the gloom in the stockmarket has helped to damp sentiment in the consumer goods and property markets. 与此同时,印度股市下跌对经济的连带影响似乎更为明显,股市低迷影响了消费品及房地产市场的信心。
As there is no one onto whom planetary risk can be shifted, the only way to insure against climate change fall-out is to make it sufficiently improbable. 由于我们这个星球上的风险无处可以转移,因此针对气候变化后果的唯一保险措施,就是要使它的发生变得充分不可能。
How would you deal with the press fall-out surrounding a profits warning? 你如何处理新闻界围绕上市企业的盈利警告所做的争吵?
The political fall-out from this election could be lasting, even so. 尽管如此,这次选举产生的政治影响可能还是会长期存在。
But the diplomatic fall-out could hardly have been bigger. 但是这种外交方面的扩散性影响难以不被扩大化。
The debilitating effects of possible contagion on regional economies following any financial fall-out by any country, makes this meeting even more important and crucial. 任何一个国家的金融问题都可能蔓延并削弱本地区其它经济体,这使本次论坛显得至关重要。
The fall-out from the attack continued to reverberate around the region. 这次攻击的影响继续在区域内回荡。
Behind this conservative attitude are fears that the global downturn could still have a worse fall-out in China. 这种保守心态的背后是这样一种担心,即全球经济下滑,仍可能对中国造成更恶劣的影响。
However, now that it is by some measures the biggest market in Asia and millions of Chinese have opened stock trading accounts this year, the potential fall-out from a sharp drop will be much bigger. 然而,根据某些标准衡量,中国股市现在已经是亚洲最大的股市,且数以百万计的中国人今年开设了股票交易帐户,因此,股市大幅下跌的潜在后果将会更加严重。