They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests. 在核武器试验中他们暴露在放射性尘埃之下。
Grundy lost his job in the fallout from the incident. 格伦迪受该事件影响丢了工作。
Her recovery time from the bankruptcy and personal fallout? 她用了多少时间从公司倒闭和个人失败中重新振作起来?
The economic'fallout'from real, actual nuclear fallout would be nothing short of devastating. 不过如果爆发了大范围的核事故,那么这些分析和推测都将毫无价值。原子尘和核辐射带来的经济影响绝对是毁灭性的。
But signs are emerging in other OPEC countries that energy projects could get caught in the financial fallout. 但其他欧佩克国家已经出现了能源项目可能遭受金融危机冲击的迹象。
Its continued existence and the fallout from subsequent civil wars continue to dominate politics in Lebanon. 该公约的存在以及随后爆发的内战所带来的附带结果持续支配了黎巴嫩的政治。
You can adopt a few avoidance strategies to reduce the fallout. 你可以采取一些规避策略以减少对你的影响。
The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind. 经济副作用已经开始了,政治副作用可能也不远了。
The2001 and1990-91 recessions both ran eight months, followed by years of economic fallout. 而2001年和1990-91年经济衰退的持续时间都是8个月,但衰退造成的后续影响却持续了好几年。
The fallout in China, however, is a bigger problem for Toyota. 然而,此次召回在中国造成的负面影响对丰田而言是个更大的问题。
The fallout from that attack you authorized is escalating. 你授权发动那次袭击的后果开始恶化了。
Acting in concert limits the political fallout that comes from rescuing countries. 协调一致的行动限制了救援国施加的政治影响。
There will be systemic fallout from the Lehman bankruptcy, however. 然而,雷曼兄弟的破产将带来系统性影响。
When further risks emerged in Russia, the banks and brokers were not well-placed to handle the fallout. 当更多风险出现在俄罗斯时,银行和券商都没有做好应对后果的准备。
The political fallout is not my first concern. 政治上附带的结果不是我最关注的。
Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl disaster contaminated the reindeer feeding grounds in northern scandinaia. 从切尔诺贝利灾祸中泄漏出的放射性尘埃污染了北斯堪的纳维亚驯鹿的觅食地。
Widespread fallout from a nuclear explosion. 核爆炸后散布很广的放射性坠尘。
It is in the early stages following the explosion that protection from fallout is most important. 在爆炸后的早期内,对沉降物的防御最为重要。
Long-term damage from radioactive fallout, however. 不过辐射性落尘导致的长期性伤害。
Fear and uncertainty spread faster and farther than any nuclear fallout. 与任何核辐射相比,恐惧与惶惑的传播速度更快,范围更远。
Without galactic assistance, I know of no other way to address the radioactive fallout problem. 没有银河人的援助,我知道没有其他办法解决放射性尘埃问题。
Several German companies and business organisations in China told the financial times they had yet to see a fallout. 数家在华德国企业和商业组织向英国《金融时报》表示,他们迄今并未看到影响。
The composition of the fallout can also be changed by "salting" the weapon to be detonated. 如果在起爆武器中另加了料,那么沉降物的成分也就会有所改变。
There will be much fallout in financial markets over the next few weeks and even more uncertainty. 这将在未来几周对金融市场产生很大的连带影响,甚至带来更多的不确定性。
The fallout has squeezed credit and made it harder even for banks to borrow. 连带影响是信贷受到了挤压,银行贷款更为困难。
But the fallout from a collapse in the mortgage and lending markets could shake fragile consumer confidence further. 然而,抵押和贷款市场崩盘的影响,可能会进一步动摇本已脆弱的消费者信心。
Part of the fallout relates directly to subprime exposure or to structured credit instruments. 部分结果直接与次级证券或结构性信贷工具有关。
Producing relatively little radioactive fallout or contamination. 相对来说几乎不产生放射尘和污染源的。
The developing world will undoubtedly suffer a bigger fallout from global warming than most of the west. 全球变暖让发展中世界受到的影响,无疑比大部分西方世界受到的影响更大。