Familiarity with evil breeds not contempt but acceptance. 对罪恶熟悉之后,生出的不是蔑视,而是习以为常。
He had behaved with undue and oily familiarity 他表现得过于亲热,媚态毕现。
The very texture of his prose bears the influence of his familiarity with drugs. 他独特的散文风韵显示出他常常在毒品的影响下进行创作的痕迹。
Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face. 托尼对她的样子异常熟悉,这很让他烦恼。
Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me. 她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。
You should have a general familiarity with defining, validating, and reading XML. 应该对XML的定义、验证和读取有一定了解。
The author of this article assumes that readers have a basic familiarity with topologies. 本文的作者假设读者对拓扑模型有了一个基本的了解。
Some familiarity with the constructs of the C programming language is helpful, but it is not required. 如果您对C编程语言的构造比较熟悉,那么将会很有帮助,但这并不是必需的。
Standards lose their vitality and context, with teams ignoring them through lack of familiarity or deliberate avoidance. 标准失去了他们的生命力和上下文,因缺乏熟悉或故意地避免,团队忽视了标准。
This article assumes that you have a general familiarity with Web services concepts and standards. 本文假定您基本熟悉Web服务的概念和标准。
It assumes familiarity with Document Manager concepts and administration tasks. 它假设读者熟悉DocumentManager概念和管理任务。
This article assumes a familiarity with MDM Server and the terminology used within it's product manuals. 本文假设读者熟悉MDMServer和它的产品手册中使用的术语。
This article assumes a general familiarity with basic project management, and with agile development concepts and terminology. 本文假定您熟悉基本项目管理、敏捷开发概念和术语。
You should have a general familiarity with business analysis and software development methodologies. 读者应该具有业务分析和软件开发方法的基本知识。
This article series assumes a general familiarity with Web2.0 technologies including Rest, ATOM, JSON, and Objective-C. 本系列文章假设读者对Web2.0技术比较熟悉,例如Rest、ATOM、JSON和Objective-C。
This tutorial assumes basic familiarity with the Java language, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. 本教程假设读者基本熟悉Java语言、Ruby和RubyonRails。
Familiarity with object-oriented programming, databases, Perl, and Perl inheritance will be helpful in reading this article. 熟悉面向对象编程、数据库、Perl和Perl继承将对阅读本文有帮助。
First, it depends on your degree of familiarity with them. 首先,要取决于你和对方的熟悉程度。
Familiarity with these technologies and patterns is useful for evaluating and adopting the Composite Application Library. 熟悉这些技术和模式有助于评价和采用CompositeApplicationLibrary。
Perhaps they want familiarity, with names, brands and products they can trust. 或许,他们需要一种熟悉感,需要熟悉而能够信赖的名字、品牌和产品。
Spirit of friendly familiarity and goodwill between comrades. 同志间的友情和善意。
This has enhanced not only the kudos of distance learning but also its familiarity. 这不仅提高了远程教育的声誉,也让它被更多的人所熟悉。
He explains that the needs of the three types of users differ due to their familiarity with the product. 他解释到,三种类型用户的需求由他们熟悉产品程度的不同而不同。
Students should have some familiarity with commutative algebra and basic topology. 学生需要对交换代数和基本拓扑学有一定的了解。
Familiarity of the design and debug skill and related tools operation. 设计的熟悉和调试技巧和相关工具操作。
Such maintenance may require new skills and familiarity with software that administrators otherwise would not need. 维护的活儿对管理员提出了更高的要求,也许是需要一些新的技术或者去熟悉一些之前并不需要的软件。
Her familiarity with these things. 她对这些事情的精通。
This paper investigated the influence of familiarity, transparency and context on Chinese EFL learners understanding of English idioms. 本研究考察了熟悉度、透明度和语境对中国学习者理解英语习语的影响。
Working familiarity with biological experimentation and materials. 熟悉生物实验和相关实验材料。
There may be an immediate feeling of compatibility and familiarity. 可能会有一种瞬间的相配和熟悉的感觉。