Correlated Study on Familism and Life Satisfaction of College Students 大学生的家族主义与生活满意度等的相关研究
Answering the question that what the Confucian familism has value to the family enterprise concerning the proposition of Marx Weber sooner or later that the Confucian School ethics have blocked the development of eastern capitalism. 儒家家族主义对家族企业有何价值,在回答该问题时多半涉及马克斯·韦伯关于儒家伦理阻碍东方资本主义发展的命题。
The rank ( from high to low) of the seven belief domains was country-nation, political belief, familism, life worship, religion belief, money substance and supernatural belief. 在7个信仰维度上的信仰程度由强到弱依次为国家民族、政治信仰、家庭主义、生命崇拜、宗教信仰、金钱物质、神灵崇拜;
At present the non-state owned enterprise culture surfaces the representative traits of familism which obstructs it's development. 而目前民营企业文化呈现出家族主义的典型特征,阻碍着民营企业进一步发展壮大。
Familism, Favoritism or Equality of Opportunity-Compensation Mechanism of Zhejiang Family Firms: An Empirical Study 亲情、人情还是机会公正&浙江家族企业薪酬机制实证研究
Private enterprises change from form of familism to the form of share-hold ownership, which is the key to development and progression of the enterprises. 民营企业由家族式向股份制转变,是企业进一步发展和提升企业层次的关键环节。
The forerunners of the May Fourth culture movement found that the loyal, filial piety and chastity of the Confucianism's three-outline, which dominate the traditional moral and ethical system which uses the familism for the standard. 五四文化运动的先驱们敏锐地发现,是吃人的忠、孝、节儒教三纲支配了以家族为本位的传统道德伦理体系。
They contain local history and traditional culture, family management and enlarged familism, and local policy. 重点阐述了三种非正式制度:社区历史文化传统、家族化和泛家族主义、地方性土政策。
This is the tradition of respect of patients. It is based on traditional familism. 这就是基于家庭主义基础上的尊重病人传统。
Some researchers have bound filial piety to familism, and considered that with the decline of family organization, there is no need to advocate filial piety. 不少论者将孝道与家族主义扣连在一起,认为随着家族组织的衰落,孝道再也没有提倡的必要。