
adj.  空想的;捕风捉影的

BNC.32746 / COCA.23152


  1. The book has many fantastical aspects.
  2. It is a fantastical tale about a dying man, his past lives, and his ghostly relatives.
  3. If offered three wishes, only 14 percent of teens ask for more wishes or fantastical powers.
  4. If you're a Fantastical, you excel at taking interesting problems and producing unique solutions.
  5. If you can't actually go to Tuscany, at least your mind can travel there, given the proper, fantastical dining experience.
  6. Although the above stories are quite fantastical, it is sure that the origins of Lantern Festival are related to ancient humanity's use of fire to celebrate festivals and avert disaster.
  7. Visually enchanting, Mirror Mirror is an example of style over substance, of the use of brightly colored costumes and fantastical sets to distract viewers rather than enhance the story.
  8. What sticks are the fantastical landscapes, the beautiful creature designs and the actors delivering lively performances, even with strata of makeup and digital wizardry.
  9. One glance at the fantastical Steel House, and you'll never forget it.
  10. That your story was fantastical.
  11. It might be one fantastical work of science fiction-but researchers have discovered we have more in common with the characters of the X-Men films than we first believe.
  12. We talked about what fantastical lives we born-and-bred Midwesterners led.
  13. However, prosecutors said that was a "fantastical" defence.
  14. The protagonist lived life as if it were a great show, and the film's fantastical style reflected that.
  15. A strange exaltation that was indefinable; a strange fantastical mind; what a strange sense of humor she has.
  16. His room was tricked out with something fantastical.
  17. Hung Tung-Lu's fantastical light-boxes speak of consumerism and the post-modern encounter between east and west.
  18. Macbeth is fantastical and imaginative beyond other tragedies.
  19. His novels questioned the nature of existence and the purpose of life, often with blackly comic humour and fantastical political satire.
  20. Most of the choreography is light fleet and fantastical showcasing the pleasure of dance as pure craft and invention.
  21. It is based on a commonly held, yet fantastical view of human nature: that we are willing or able to change, and that we are rational about ourselves.
  22. His creations transform everyday locations into fantastical scenes: sharks erupting from pavements, chasms bisecting suburban, streets and rivers cascading through towns.
  23. In his film, the heroes assassinate a venal and mendacious cabinet minister, so perhaps the age of fantastical wish-fulfillment is not dead after all.
  24. It's fast-paced and it's fantastical.
  25. Though they meet only as adults, they have long been groomed in the art of magic for an ongoing competition to perform the most elaborate, fantastical feat.
  26. THE IMMORTAL World Tour takes place in a fantastical realm where we discover Michael's inspirational Giving Tree& the wellspring of his creativity.
  27. Lightsome sway, or apeak drag ground moving finery, is every woman heart of dreams, fantastical wear black dress, the princess is high growth for beautiful queen.
  28. To think about which one of these is the key to personal identity, we need to think about the cases maybe somewhat fantastical science fictioning in which they come apart.
  29. I was stunned when I saw this, I am not a believer, but I am sure I had really seen grotesque and fantastical phenomenon.
  30. The tides'motion softens the edges and builds up layers of fantastical colour and silhouette.