Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures. 儿童图书常常把农场的动物描写得温和而可爱。
He made his way back to the farmyard where his regiment was encamped. 他设法回到了自己的团驻扎的农家场院。
The road passes a farmyard. 那条路经过一个农家场院。
The mouse ran to the farmyard warning everyone: There is a mousetrap in the house, there is a mousetrap in the house. 于是它跑到农场的院子里向每一个动物警告说:屋里有一个老鼠夹!屋里有一个老鼠夹!
The first set is a pastoral scene: a cricket match, meadows covered in real grass and live animals-including some 70 sheep, a dozen horses and an assortment of geese and other farmyard stock. 开幕式演出的第一幕是田园风光:板球比赛,真草铺就的草地以及活生生的动物,其中包括大约70只羊,12匹马,各式各样的鹅及其它家养牲畜。
Farmyard manure spreader with horizontal roller distributing mechanism, for fertilizer distributors, seeding, planting or transplanting machines 带水平辊农家肥撒布机施肥机,播种、种植或移栽机的撒布器
The wolf agreed with him, so the fox went to the farmyard and stole one of the two lambs. 狼同意了,所以狐狸便到那农家庭院去偷了其中一只小羊回来。
Well,@ answered the fox,@ I know a farmyard. There are two young lambs there. 狐狸回答:好,我知道有一家农家庭院,那儿有两只小羊。
All the animals in the farmyard bit him and pushed him, too. 所有的动物也都咬他、推搡他。
For how could you for a moment think of shutting up a lion with you in the farmyard, when you know that you shake in your shoes if you only hear his roar at ever so great a distance? 因为,你知道,你平时只要听到远处的狮子吼声,你就会下得浑身发抖;你怎么能一时心血来潮,把狮子连同你自己关在院子里呢?
It seems to me just the same in the vast human farmyard. 我认为在广阔的人类这个农院里,情况亦然。
The narrow lane ended abruptly in a farmyard. 狭窄的小巷在一个农家宅院前骤然而止。
The phosphorus fertilizer and farmyard manure had the best effects on maize yield in Drab Fluvo-aquic soil. 相关分析表明,在褐潮土上增施磷肥和有机肥对提高玉米产量具有重要的作用。
The farmyard must be cleared away entirely, and planted up to shut out the blacksmith's shop. 场院必须彻底迁走,还要多种些树把铁匠铺子遮开。
This was not so unusual as there were lots of wild animals that would wander through the farmyard at night. 这倒也司空见惯了,因为晚上有很多野生动物在农庄的庭院里到处走动。
The farmyard was quiet, with just a few chickens scratching about. 这农家庭院静悄悄的,只有几只鸡在四处扒食。
We could hear the piglets squealing as we entered the farmyard. 在我们走进农家的庭院时,我们能听见猪崽在尖嚎。
Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient. 谁都知道,鸡汤对治疗发烧有好处,所以,农夫拿着他的斧子到院子里去找他的鸡汤原料了。
The results showed that the Farmyard system got more benefit than the Luhua Lake system did from the point of view of monetary profit. 从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统。
The farmyard must be moved, I grant you; but I am not aware of anything else. 跟你说吧,那个农家院肯定要迁移,别的我都不在意。
Hens and a pet sheep wandered about the farmyard. 母鸡和一只作宠物饲养的小羊在场院里闲逛。
Two cooks once fought to decide who should be the king of the farmyard. 有一次,两只公鸡通过打斗来决定谁是场院之王。
The children made a farmyard picture using stencils. 孩子们用模板画了个农家庭院。
Effect of Farmyard Manure Dose on Single Fruit Weight and on Leaf Diameter of Kiwi 不同施肥量对猕猴桃单果重及叶片直径的影响
I disliked the messy farmyard. 我不喜欢这个既脏又乱的场院。
Study on Plant Diversity and Arrangement Mode at Household Farmyard of Rural Area, Yan'an 延安地区农户庭院植物多样性与配置模式研究
You can pat the cow in the farmyard. 你可以在农家庭院里逗逗奶牛。
Farmyard news flash! I've got some good news and some bad news. 农场新闻快递!我得到一些好消息和一些坏消息。
The cock crowed in the farmyard. 公鸡在农家场院里啼叫。
The animals were in the fields, and the hens were pecking in farmyard. 动物们都徜徉在农场田野间,母鸡也都能在农场空地上啄食米榖或小虫。