v. 放屁; (尤指)放响屁 n. 放屁; (尤指)放响屁; 讨厌的人; 令人厌烦的人; 蠢人 fart的第三人称单数和复数
VERB 放屁 If someone farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus.
He'd been farting all night. 他整晚都在放屁。
Fart is also a noun.
...a loud fart. 响屁
(老)东西;无聊的家伙 If someone describes another person as an old fart, they are showing that they think the person is boring and that they do not respect the person.
PATTINSON: The opening line of that scene is "Can you at least keep your farts to yourself?" 罗伯特帕丁森:那一幕的开场白就是:“你就不能至少别放屁?!”
Scientists say that the farts collected each day could produce enough energy to run a car or refrigerator for an entire 24 hours. 科学家说每天收集的奶牛的屁屁,就可以生产供小汽车或冰箱运转24小时的能量。
I deal with toxic smog every morning. My Girlfriends farts! 我每天早上都生活在有毒雾霾里我女友的屁!
Take care of the children, or they will get some brain farts to make you mass. 照顾好这些孩子,否则他们会想出一些鬼点子把事情搞得一团糟。
All of these farts his mama is what I put! 这些屁全他妈是我放的!
Old farts saving their own skins. 只会拯救他们自己的生命。
Yeah, but that part about lighting farts is bullshit. 部落这些家伙最大的问题就是他们太缺乏教养了。
You're not seeing any old farts, are you? 你没有偷人吧,是不是?
All the old farts have their faces redone. 所有的老怪物们都把他们的脸整容。
You may remember the episode of the cartoon'South Park'when Kenny holds his farts in all day and then combusts and dies at the end of it. 你也许还记得卡通片《南方公园》里一段有意思的情节,当肯尼忍了一天的屁之后竟然自燃而死了。
One who thinks his farts are exceptionable fine. 是那个认为自己的屁味很不错的人。
Andrew: She farts in her sleep. 她睡觉的时候放屁。
The worst thing that would happen to a human if they held their farts in would be a severe stomach pain. 一个人忍屁的最坏结果是导致胃部剧烈地疼痛。
But letting out empty farts instead! 最后不过是放了一个屁!
What are you doing here, you old farts? 在这儿干什么,你们这群老不死的家伙?
If a mouse farts in this god damned minefield, I want his ass blown sky high! 如果哪个耗子把屁丢到这片天杀的雷区,那我就希望这家夥的屁股崩到天上去!
Never before have I met someone who farts rainbows and sunshine and happiness. 之前我从来没有遇见过一个人放屁可以放出彩虹,阳光和快乐来。
An owner of a bakery hired him to eat bread nonstop, then to make bread-scented farts on the streets to attract customers. 有一家面包店老板雇用了他,他要钱宁不断的吃下面包,然后到街上放出又浓又香的面包屁,吸引顾客上门。
They have to deal with grumpy old farts like myself. 他们必须跟像我这种老顽固打交道。
Leonard: Well, you did call him a glorified high school science teacher whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts. 好吧,你确实说了,他是个光荣的高中老师,他最近完成的实验就是点燃自己放的屁。
One who loves the smell of other people's farts. 是那个喜欢别人屁味的人。
An average person will produce around half a litre of fart gas per day, which roughly translates as14 farts a day. 一个正常人每天大约放半升的屁,也就是说大概要放14次屁。
You have a stuffed animal that farts? 你有个会放屁的填充玩具动物?
Farts burn with a blue or yellow flame. 屁燃烧时会产生蓝或黄色的火焰。
I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also. 我希望,诺拉会让她无尽无休的屁放在我脸上,这样我也就可以分辨它们的味道。
When Ron Artests farts, scientists fear the particles become so accelerated that it may cause the end of the earth. 当阿泰放屁,科学家们就会恐惧,那些粒子会加速到导致世界末日的到来。