It can lead to metatarsalgia and other painful conditions like plantar fasciitis, when tissue on the sole gets inflamed. ' 它会引起跖骨痛和其他病痛,比如足底筋膜炎,这时整个组织都会发炎。
Previous studies indicate that high levels of protease activity of the isolates are significantly associated with the clinical signs of necrotizing fasciitis and STSS and with mortality. 先前的研究显示分离菌的高蛋白酶活性常与坏死性筋膜炎和毒性休克症候群及死亡率有重要的关联。
The bacteria can invade through the skin to produce necrotizing fasciitis, giving them the popular name of flesh-eating bacteria. 这种病菌可侵入通过皮肤产生坏死性筋膜炎,使他们受欢迎的名字俗称食肉菌。
Objective: To study the early diagnosis and treatment of acute necrotizing fasciitis. 前言:目的:探讨急性坏死性筋膜炎的早期诊断及治疗。
Objective: To improve the acknowledgement of surgeons on cervical necrotizing fasciitis. 目的:提高临床医师对颈部坏死性筋膜炎的认识。
OBJECTIVE To analyze the cause, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of necrotizing fasciitis In head and neck. 目的探讨头颈部坏死性筋膜炎的病因,临床表砚、诊断和治疗。
We conclude that high-resolution ultrasonography is a useful tool in the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. 由本研究得知,高解像力超音波检查可作为足底筋膜炎诊断评估的工具。
Now, one of the most common types of overuse injuries we see Heel Spur Syndrome, or Plantar Fasciitis. 目前,最常见的一种过劳性损伤是跟骨骨刺综合症或足底筋膜炎。
These allow to reduce the level of stress for your plantar fasciitis and thus manage them properly. 这些允许水平降低应力为您的足底筋膜炎,因此他们妥善管理。
Herndon said he sees about one case of necrotizing fasciitis, which can be caused by several bacteria, each month. Herndon说他每月都能查询到一例坏死性筋膜炎,它能由数种细菌导致。
Plantar fasciitis is responsible for heel pain. 足底筋膜炎是负责足跟痛。
If you've ever had heel pain when you first put your bare feet on the floor after waking up in the morning, it's very likely the beginnings of a common condition known as plantar fasciitis. 如果你曾经早晨醒来后,光着脚站在地板上感觉足跟痛,这非常可能是足底筋膜炎的前兆。
Observation on effect of traditional Chinese medicine scalding therapy to treat patients with fasciitis of waist and back muscles 中药烫疗治疗腰背肌筋膜炎效果观察
Methods Retrospective analysis of14 cases of necrotizing fasciitis patients after treatment. 回顾分析14例坏死性筋膜炎病人的诊治经过。
Elizabeth Kinkel has never had heel pain or heard much about plantar fasciitis. 从来没有听说金克尔伊丽莎白患有足跟痛或足底筋膜炎。
Objective to explore the nursing strategies of patients with acute necrotizing fasciitis. 在临床诊疗中对筋膜炎等症的发生、发展、转归及治疗反应进行分析观察。
Clinical Evaluation of Dorsiflexion of Metatarsophalangeal Joints Test and Strengthening Dorsiflexion of Metatarsophalangeal Joints Test in Diagnosis of Plantar Fasciitis 跖趾关节背伸试验及跖趾关节背伸加强试验在诊断跖腱膜炎中的价值
Treatment of huge pressure sores combined with necrotizing fasciitis: report of 1 case 治愈巨大褥疮并发坏死性筋膜炎1例
Prior to describing just exactly what Plantar Fasciitis is, we first need to know which part of the foot it affects. 之前描述刚才正是足底筋膜炎是,我们首先需要知道哪些部分英尺影响。
Therefore, this study suggests that conservative therapy is preferred prior to plantar fasciotomy when clinician treating patients with plantar fasciitis. 未来临床上治疗足底筋膜炎时,建议优先考虑穿著治疗性鞋内垫等保守性物理治疗。
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of inferior heel pain. 足底筋膜炎是造成足跟底部疼痛最常见的原因之一。
A Clinical Report Of Treating Fasciitis Of Back Neck Muscles With Abdominal Acupuncture And Local Moxibustion 腹针结合局部艾灸治疗项背肌筋膜炎1例临床报道
Chris Bosh, even though he has to sit out this year with plantar fasciitis in his left foot, sums it up best. 波什对此做了一个最好的总结,尽管由于左脚底筋膜炎,今年他不得不远离球场。
OBJECTIVE: To introduce the mechanism of action and clinical application of extracorporeal shock wave in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. 目的:介绍体外冲击波治疗慢性足底筋膜炎的作用机制及临床应用方面的研究进展。
After a wide debridement, it was proved to be a necrotizing fasciitis induced by lower anterior teeth infection. 经大范围手术扩创后,证实为下颚前牙感染所引起的坏死性筋膜炎。
Anstomotic site leakage and necrotizing fasciitis of the left thigh complicated the postoperative course. 但术后并发了吻合处漏液及左大腿的坏死性筋膜炎。
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathologic characteristic of nodular fasciitis ( NDF) and differential diagnosis. 目的:探讨结节性筋膜炎(NDF)的临床病理特点及鉴别诊断要点。
Methods Muscle biopsies in 6 cases of eosinophilic fasciitis were evaluated by the clinical, histopathology and enzyme histochemistry. 方法总结6例嗜酸细胞性筋膜炎患者的临床资料,对肌活检组织进行临床病理研究。
It can also cause life-threatening invasive infections, such as toxic shock syndrome ( TSS) and necrotizing fasciitis. 它也可导致严重的侵袭性感染,如中毒性休克综合征和坏死性筋膜炎。