Methods The sera of schistosomiasis cattle, negative control cattle and fascioliasis cattle were detected with DDIA and compared with COPT. 以确定的最适条件对血吸虫病牛、阴性对照牛和肝片形吸虫病牛的血清进行检测并和环卵沉淀试验(COPT)检测结果进行比较。
Studies on Pathomorphology of livers with fascioliasis in goats 山羊肝片吸虫致肝脏病变的病理形态学研究
Changes of activities of serum enzymes in dairy cow with fascioliasis 奶牛肝片吸虫病血清酶活性的变化
, the average, 77.16% Skin test was used for the diagnosis and epidemiological survey of Fascioliasis. 本文初步探讨了皮内试验用于肝片吸虫病的诊断和流行病学调查中的筛选作用。
We took diagnose to 23 deers in People's Park of Xinxiang, and 11 deers had fascioliasis hepatica, the infection rate was up to 48%. 对新乡市人民公园23例鹿进行了诊断,其中11例患有肝片吸虫病,感染率高达48%。
Comparative studies on different immunodiagnosis techniques and samples for the detection of fascioliasis 不同方法及材料检测大片吸虫感染的比较试验
This papar reviewed the recent advance in study on the detriment, the lifecycle of morbifical agent ( including intermediate Host and metacercaria), the diagnosis ( including the inspection of eggs and the immunodiagnosis), the therapy and the Control of Fascioliasis at home and abroad. 本文从肝片吸虫病的危害、病原体的发育史(中间宿主、囊蚴)、诊断。(虫卵检查、免疫诊断)、予防治疗等方面综述了最近国内外的研究动向。
Effects of experimental fascioliasis on the drug-metabolizing function in rat liver 实验感染肝片吸虫对大鼠肝脏药物代谢功能的影响
A study on diagnosis of fascioliasis in cattle and goats by serum enzymes OCT and γ GT 血清酶OCT和γ-GT在牛羊肝片吸虫病诊断的研究
Study on serodiagnosis of bovine fascioliasis by counterimmunoelectrophoresis ( CIEP) with purified antigen 应用纯化抗原对流免疫电泳技术诊断牛肝片吸虫病的研究
An Epidemiological Survey on Human Fascioliasis in a Village 龙井县桃源乡人肝片吸虫病的流行病学调查
Fascioliasis hepatica caused by Fasciola hepatica which live in livers and bile ducts of cattles, sheep and other ruminant animals, is a very serious disease of the trematodes. 肝片吸虫病是由肝片形吸虫(Fasciolahepatica)寄生于牛、羊等反刍动物肝脏胆管内引起的一种对动物危害十分严重的吸虫病。