Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism. 他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。
They tend to put on skirts instead of pants, show more skin and generally dress more fashionably. 她们喜欢穿裙子以及更暴露和时尚的衣服。
The Duchess would become hungry around four o'clock in the afternoon. The evening meal in her household was served fashionably late at eight o'clock, thus leaving a long period of time between lunch and dinner. 公爵夫人在下午四点钟左右常常会感到饥饿,而根据当时的风尚,晚餐要在八点钟才会开始,于是午餐和晚餐中间就有很长的一段时间。
Do not give personal comments such as: I think the CEO is well-known for dressing fashionably; or the boss of the company is a powerful person. 不要做过多个人主观性评论,例如,我认为执行总裁的穿着很时尚,或公司的老板是个很强势的人,等。
In most of the videos she remains silent while subtitles provide the viewer with a step-by-step guide on how to apply cosmetics, style hair or dress fashionably. 在大多数的视频中,她一般都不说话,视频里有字幕来为观众们说明如何上妆、做发型或者服装搭配的具体步骤。
With her lean frame and cropped hair, Lennox had a fashionably androgynous look. 雷诺斯身形瘦削、短发利落,一副很流行的中性扮相。
Arriving fashionably late, Stanley Ho sauntered up to his front-row seat. 恰到好处地姗姗来迟的何鸿(stanleyho),信步走向他的前排座位。
Thanks to its tropical climate, zoo-wrecking hurricanes and a greater-than-usual number of people with a hankering for fashionably exotic pets, Florida is an invasive-species mecca. 由于地处热带,而且飓风让动物园面目全非,再加上一大帮珍禽异兽的狂热粉丝,佛罗里达成了这些外来物种的“圣城”。
This type of filial travel most concretely and fashionably represents concerns to the life quality of the old. 这种孝心旅游方式是关心老人生活质量的一种最具体最时尚的表现。
No, I like guys that smoke fashionably. 不,我喜欢抽烟很潇洒的男人。
Her newly cropped hair gives her a fashionably gamine look. 她新剪的头使她看上去像个假小子,很时髦。
Two fashionably dressed figures share a cigar by the seaside, the waves just shy of their impeccably polished shoes. 两位穿著时尚的男子在海边抽著雪茄,海浪险些打到擦得发亮的皮鞋;
She is very fashionably dressed everyday. 她每天穿的很时尚是什么意思啊?
Her blonde hair was cropped and fashionably arranged to look messily elegant. 她金黄色的头发经过精心而时尚地打理看起来十分优雅。
A stocky figure, fashionably dressed in light grey, turned and said easily. 一个穿着淡灰色时髦衣服的矮胖子转过身子,若无其事地说。
Su Wen-wan was even more fashionably dressed than she was the year before, and her face was much fuller. 苏文纨比去年更时髦了,脸也丰腴得多。
Q.How can you dress fashionably at work without spending a fortune on new clothes? 每天穿得光鲜亮丽去上班,我怎么有办法不买新衣服?
She was fashionably turned out in cream trousers and a red sweater. 她穿着米色长裤和红套衫,打扮得很入时。
The modern vampire in popular culture is more attractive, suave, and fashionably dressed than the Old World Slavic vampires, adding to the resurgence of their appeal, he added. 他补充说道,与斯拉夫旧世界中的吸血鬼相比,流行文化中的现代吸血鬼更有吸引力、更文雅、穿著更时髦,增添其魅力的复苏。
Mentions also strangely, gives a present they not to deliver the wealth, famous smoke famous name wine anything, they on deliver Nanjing's salty wild duck fashionably, the Nanjing pressed salted duck. 说来也奇怪,送礼呢他们也不送金银财宝,名烟名酒什么的,他们就时髦送南京的盐水鸭,南京板鸭。
An awkward moment recently: I ordered an espresso from Starbucks and the barista, a young fellow with fashionably chaotic blond hair, asked my name. 最近遇到了一件尴尬事:我在星巴克(Starbucks)点了杯意式浓缩,那位留着一头凌乱金发、打扮入时的年轻咖啡师问我,你叫什么名字。
His wife was blonde and fashionably thin. 他的妻子一头金发,苗条入时。
At the hotel, the staff were wearing smart grey dresses; the men driving the tourist rickshaws were in fashionably rustic beige jerkins. 在酒店,服务员穿着齐整的灰色服装;旅游人力车的司机身着时髦而朴素的浅褐色短上衣。
Huge investment in healthcare even has a fashionably Keynesian ring to it. 在医疗卫生领域投入巨资,甚至具有一种时髦的凯恩斯主义意味。
Maggie: Yeah. But the problem was at this type of social gathering, it would be nice to be fashionably late. 是啊。不过问题是,像这种社交聚会,最好是时髦地晚一点到,才比较好。
And the girl did up her hair high under a little slanting hat, her skirts were fashionably bunched up. 这姑娘头发高盘,上面歪戴着一顶礼帽,裙子打着衣褶,很时髦。
Jerusalem, there are many young people dressed very fashionably visiting this or that shop on the streets. 在特拉维夫、海法、耶路撒冷,有许多穿着很时尚的年轻人,穿梭于街道两旁的商店之中。
By keeping your clothes on, you show that you consider the other guests important enough for you to remain fashionably tip-top. 保持衣着整齐,显示出你考虑其他客人对你至关重要而保持衣着一流。