N-UNCOUNT 宿命感;宿命论;宿命情绪 Fatalism is a feeling that you cannot control events or prevent unpleasant things from happening, especially when this feeling stops you from making decisions or making an effort.
There's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals. 现在激进分子中间无疑弥漫着一种宿命情绪。
There's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals. 现在激进分子中间无疑弥漫着一种宿命情绪。
Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism? 有些东方的哲学倾向于宿命论吗?
The best thing to combat fear, despair, and fatalism is knowledge. 知识是对抗恐惧、绝望和宿命论的最有利武器。
3. Fatalism-Fatalism is a way people rationalize despair. 宿命论是人们合理化绝望的一个借口。
I sensed an odd mix of fatalism and optimism, which both run counter to my own views. 我感觉到其中掺杂着宿命情绪和乐观情绪,但与我的想法背道而驰。
There is a mood of profound fatalism amongst party members. 党员中有严重的听天由命的情绪。
For a long time Marxist historical determinism has unreasonably been distorted as unscientific fatalism and mechanical economic determinism. 马克思主义的历史决定论长期以来一直被人们歪曲为非科学的宿命论或是机械的经济决定论而横遭批判。
That is really pagan fatalism. 这是名符其实的异教宿命论。
It's easy to find that Hester's thought is full of religious mistrial atmosphere and fatalism. 可以很容易地发现,海丝特的思想是完全无效的宗教气氛和宿命论。
Yet the myth persists that genetic determinism is a more implacable kind of fatalism than social determinism. 可是仍然有人坚持这荒诞的看法,即基因决定论是一个社会决定论更难撼动的宿命论。
While'cause and effect'is acknowledged in Buddhism, it is not simply fatalism but arises from our own actions. 佛教确实也承认有因果,但是这个因果不是那种迂腐的宿命观,而是概括了人有因果,但是因果是人自身造的。
In fact, it's fatalism about the fate of the people of view, finds life to already be doomed. 其实就是他的宿命论左右了人们对命运的看法,认定人生来就已经被注定。
But all had a sense of fatalism. 但所有人都变成了得过且过的宿命论者。
"Tragedy Becomes the Meaning of Life and Hope": On Fatalism and Libertinism in Eugene O'neill's Tragedy Writing 悲剧构成了生活与希望的意义:论尤金·奥尼尔悲剧宿命观下的自由思想
This is no time for fatalism or for traditional political agendas. 现在不是宣扬宿命论或传统政治议程的时候。
Starting from a bare principle of logic, we have arrived at a strict form of fatalism. 从逻辑裸露的原则出发,我们已经到了一种宿命论的严格形式。
Not if it breeds reckless or hopeless fatalism. 如果它导致了不计后果或绝望的宿命论就并非好事。
And among these factors, Hardy's experiences and life philosophy play an important role in the forming of his fatalism. 在这些因素之中,哈代的个人生活经历和哲学观起到了很重要的影响。
In some Mediterranean and Arabic cultures, he has observed a strong sense of fatalism or destiny. 他发现,地中海和阿拉伯地区的一些文化,具有很强的宿命色彩。
There are also stories that try to illustrate fatalism, reincarnation, and all sorts of feudal ethical principles. 也有一些故事是企图用来说明宿命论、轮回和所有各种封建道德规则。
"Fatalism" is just a less happy word for faith. 宿命是对命运的一种不甚快乐的称呼。
Different from her mother's direct and apparent fatalism, Tess'behaviors sometimes hints her tragedy. 不同于母亲的直接和明显的宿命论,苔丝的行为有时暗示她的悲剧。
He was a believer in dualism for both fatalism and causality. 他是因果与宿命的二元论者。
Cultural fatalism and superstition have long fed the propensity for gambling. 文化宿命论和迷信思想一直为赌博倾向提供了滋生的土壤。
I am very frustrated, I believe that the fatalism that the future is uncertain, and even self-respect in the world came to have been decided. 以前我很沮丧,我相信宿命论,认为未来是不确定的,甚至是自我来到这个世界就已经被决定了的。
Biblical patience is not rooted in fatalism that says everything is out of control. 合乎圣经原则的忍耐不是根基于宿命论,说任何事都是无法掌控的。
I think that Buddhism in America has too long been viewed as some sort of passive fatalism. 我认为佛教在美国长期被误以为充满被动的宿命观。
On this point, Liu Liguo's work expresses a kind of fatalism. 就这一点说,刘力国的作品最终表达的是一种宿命。
And it is not difficult to see Tess inherits weak fatalism from her mother who believes in superstitions. 这是不难看出苔丝继承薄弱宿命论从她母亲谁相信迷信。