ADJ-GRADED 宿命论的;宿命主义的;听天由命的 If someone is fatalistic about something, especially an unpleasant event or situation, they feel that they cannot change or control it, and therefore that there is no purpose in trying.
People we spoke to today were really rather fatalistic about what's going to happen. 今天和我们交谈的人对将会发生的事情都表现得相当听天由命。
People we spoke to today were really rather fatalistic about what's going to happen. 今天和我们交谈的人对将会发生的事情都表现得相当听天由命。
But my fatalistic interpretation of the start of our story was at least proof of one thing: that I was in love with Chloe. 但是对于我们故事开端的宿命论诠释至少证实了一件事,那就是我爱上了克洛艾。
On the one occasion that Mr Obama suggested otherwise – we can absorb another terrorist attack, he said in 2010 – he was pilloried for sounding fatalistic. 有一次奥巴马提出了不同的说法&2010年他曾说我们能够承受另一场恐怖主义袭击,结果人们嘲笑他听上去有些宿命论的意味。
The legacy of centuries of rebuilding cities, temples and homes after tsunamis, fires and earthquakes has provided many Japanese with a fatalistic streak. 几个世纪以来,受到在海啸,火灾,地震之后重建城市,庙宇和家园的影响,许多日本人的性格中都增添了几分宿命主义的气质。
And you can reduce your future fatalistic perspective by learning a new skill or hobby that allows you to see your change, and doing it with a partner& it's less isolating and the other person can give you positive feedback. 另外,要降低未来宿命时间观得分,可以学习能让你看到自己变化的新技能或者爱好,可以和伴侣共同来做&这样就不会那么孤独,对方也能给你积极的反馈。
I seem to be at lead the fatalistic life, I did not struggle not the situation that like, also did not love dearly that happy day. 我似乎就是在过听天由命的生活,我没有挣扎不好的遭遇,也没有去眷恋那开心的日子。
We are a puppet of the fatalistic do? 我们是被命运安排的傀儡吗?
Being fatalistic about your chances will do no good. 对机会持一种听天由命的态度,对你没有好处。
The global financial crisis has left me in a fatalistic mood so I am opting for the vast, impersonal forces. 全球金融危机让我产生了一种宿命感因此我倾向于认为是巨大的非人力。
Your love life is full of mystery, or completely fatalistic, or the pursuit of Platonic conception. 你的爱情生活充满神秘色彩,或者全然听天由命,或者追求柏拉图式的意境。
I think you have to be fatalistic when evaluating these things. 我想当你对这些事情进行评估时必须宿命一点。
The concept of social mobility is starting to challenge a previously fatalistic attitude to class and caste. 社会流动观念开始挑战以往对阶级和等级的宿命态度。
This, of course, means being fearless and isn't fatalistic, because you see I believe that when I am faithful enough to be still and to allow things to happen serenely, they do. 这自然就是说,要无所畏惧而不是听天由命。因为你明白,我相信当我满怀诚意,静静等待事情发生时,它们便会发生。
Many people lack confidence in life that everything is predestined, often fatalistic, read. 生活中很多人缺乏自信,认为一切都是命中注定,往往听天由命,读。
Since ancient times, the Japanese people have been known for their fatalistic response to catastrophe. 自古以来,日本人就因面对天灾时表现出的宿命主义反应而闻名。
Does not have a fatalistic view that recognition of the role of genetic factors, it seems that there is no hope of cure. 也不要有宿命论,认为承认遗传因素作用,似乎就没有治好的希望了。
Loneliness and melancholy meet in the figures of the artist and merge into a mysterious and fatalistic aura. 寂寞与忧郁是艺术家笔下人物的共性,神秘与宿命的氛围弥漫其中。
His confession to Edmund is remarkable for a kind of fatalistic maturity; he is willing to admit to his deep problems, even if he is not willing to try to solve them. 他的供词,以何厚铧是了不起的一种宿命论的成熟,他愿意承认他的深层问题,即使他不是愿意尝试解决这些问题。
Amongst ordinary investors, there is an almost fatalistic belief that the government is pulling the strings of movements in share prices. 普通投资者有一种近乎宿命论的信念,认为拉动股价走势的绳子掌握在政府手中。
Such poems refected the fatalistic views towards sorrowful life as well as courage and determination. 诗中反映了作者对惨淡生活的宿命论观点,尽管同时也显得勇敢而坚定。
Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning someone mutters and a street lamp gutters and soon it will be morning. 每盏路灯,似乎都发出宿命的警告。有人开始低语,一盏街灯熄灭了天就要亮了。
Even though they bring us suffering, we accept them with almost fatalistic resignation, for we are so used to giving in to them. 虽然它常带来痛苦,我们还是认命地接受,因为我们太习惯于向它投降了。
Who ever heard of a fatalistic farmer? 谁听说过一个乡下人是宿命论者?
A fatalistic warning, Someone mutters. 宿命的警讯,某人喃喃低语。
If the chances behind an event are enormously remote, yet it occurs nevertheless, may one not be forgiven for invoking a fatalistic explanation? 如果事物成为现实的可能性小而又小,但最终仍然实实在在的发生了,难道不允许人们给予它一个宿命的解释?
Although many Asian concepts of karma are fatalistic, the early Buddhist concept was not fatalistic at all. 尽管不少亚洲人的业力观也带有宿命成分,在早期佛教中业力概念中宿命感却根本不存在。
These contrary impulses-the urge for escape combined with a fatalistic foreboding-can be found throughout Fang's best work. 对立的念头,如逃生的渴望和宿命的预感,贯穿了方力钧的代表作。
I think Astrology is far more flexible and less fatalistic than what some astrologers tend to assume. 我想占星学远不是像很多占星师所认为的那样宿命论和缺乏弹性。
For life, we accept a lot of optimism for education, critique pessimistic fatalistic attitude towards life. 对于人生,我们接受了很多的乐观主义的教育,而批判悲观宿命的生活态度。
It's seemed like a fatalistic across between us. 我们的相遇,就像是命运中早已注定的。