He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law 岳父的猝死使他十分伤心。
I was invited to the club through the good offices of my father-in-law. 在岳父的介绍下,我加入了俱乐部。
Your father-in-law is telling you that story about foiling the pickpocket in Moscow& for the fifth time. 你的岳父正给你讲述他在莫斯科挫败扒手的故事&已经能是第五次了。
Your bad luck brought your father-in-law's death. 你的霉运让你的公公死了。
I can feel that my father-in-law is happy even though he seldom smiles! 尽管我的公公很少笑,但我能感受到他心里的幸福!
Last fall my father-in-law passed away so my wife and I went back to our hometown for the funeral. 去年秋天,我岳父去世,我和我太太回故乡去奔丧。
This is your future father-in-law's plane, man? 这是你的将来岳父的飞机,伙计?
My father-in-law shoots on the estate, but not me. 我岳父有射击场,我没有。
Yu sister passed away, his father-in-law of the smiling sun, stroked its head and let it grow. 雨姐姐走了,太阳公公露出了笑脸,抚摸着它的头,让它茁壮成长。
My wife's father is my father-in-law. 我妻子的父亲是我的岳父。
I have the happiness of knowing your father-in-law. 我很有幸,和你岳父认识。
RegretThings too suddenly, as father-in-law went on, I feel a bit too sudden. 事情太突然,岳父就那样走了,我感觉有点太突然。
He met his future father-in-law during his visit to boston. 他在波士顿小住期间遇见了他未来的岳父。
All things are coming together, I have ready prepared to go to visit my father-in-law. 一切都步上了轨道,我已经准备好去看望我的岳父了。
Also father-in-law/ father-in-law and brother-in-law/ brother-in-law; son-in-law/ son-in-law and daughter-in-law/ daughter-in-law. 还有father-in-law/岳父、公公和brother-in-law/姐夫、小舅子;son-in-law/姑爷和daughter-in-law/儿媳。
That farmer talking with her is my father-in-law. 和她谈话的那个农民是我的岳父。
Remember your father-in-law's a pediatrician. 记住你公公是小儿科医师。
She told me that Today was my father-in-law's birthday and she wanted to say'Happy birthday! 她告诉我,今天是我公公的生日,她要对他说生日快乐!
I'm extremely lucky with fate as it relates to my mother-in-law and father-in-law. 谈到与岳父岳母相处的关系时,我觉得我命特别好,我们相处得很和谐,这是非常走运的事。
He went to meet his father-in-law in his Sunday dress. 他穿了最好的衣服去见岳父大人。
"Father-in-law" and "marriage" also contain both natural and cultural elements. “岳父”和“婚姻”也包含自然因素和文化因素。
He has paid a formal visit to his father-in-law. 他已经拜见了岳父大人。
He took his wife away when his father-in-law was out. 他岳父不在家时他把妻子带走了。
And my mother-in-law and father-in-law. 还有我的岳父岳母。
This is my father-in-law. 这是我的岳父。
My father-in-law was impressed with my swordsmanship. 我的岳父对我的剑术很赞赏。
My father-in-law passed away, and later, my husband passed away. 我公公去世了,后来,我丈夫也去世了。
I have an interest in that since the4th armored was the division that liberated my father-in-law from Buchenwald. 我有兴趣,自第4装甲师是解放我的岳父从布痕瓦尔德。
We use the car being his father-in-law. 我们用的是他岳父的汽车。
That old man is his father-in-law to-be. 那老头是他未来的岳父。