There are many versions of this story, but my son's faves is the version which is produced by CCTV. 关于西游记的版本很多,但我儿子最爱的是中央电视台制作的那个版本。
Prison my faves into Pandora's box, life is going on 我将毕生的挚爱锁进潘多拉的盒子里,生活还得继续
Make sure your faves appear in your Pick window. 确保您的收藏在你的选择窗口中。
Thank you for sharing the Hankyung love around He and Siwon are my SJ faves. 谢谢你分享韩庚的图片,他和始源是我在SJ里的最爱。
When we first started discussing our "Favorite All-Star Moments" series in a meeting, we asked everyone to announce their faves. 我们开会讨论做一个系列,叫“我最钟爱的全明星时刻”,起先要求每个人都说一说自己的最爱。
You voted and here are your faves! 你已经投票了,这里是你最爱的!