COLOUR 浅黄褐色 Fawn is a pale yellowish-brown colour.
...a light fawn coat. 浅黄褐色大衣
N-COUNT 幼鹿 A fawn is a very young deer.
The fawn ran to the top of the ridge. 小鹿跑上山脊。
VERB 逢迎;巴结;讨好;拍…的马屁 If you say that someone fawns over a powerful or rich person, you disapprove of them because they flatter that person and like to be with him or her.
People fawn over you when you're famous... 你出了名,大家就会来讨好你。
Nauseatingly fawning journalism that's all it is. 那只不过是以令人作呕的溜须拍马为能事的新闻报道。
He fawned on his boss in order to be promoted. 他向老板谄媚以求一官半职。
Don't try to win his support in that way& he hates to be fawned on. 别想用那种办法去赢得他的支持他最恨别人奉承。
Certainly not the way G20 leaders fawned over Barack Obama while announcing a welter of measures largely irrelevant to the immediate problem of the global recession, including a clampdown on tax havens, bonuses and big hedge funds. 当然不是20国集团(g20)领导人讨好奥巴马的方式,同时宣布了一大堆与全球衰退这一最紧迫问题几乎毫不相干的措施,包括打击避税天堂、奖金和大型对冲基金。
Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man. 许多谄媚的亲戚讨好那个富裕的老男人。
Politicians of both the mainstream left and right in the US and UK have fawned over those who pay their campaign bills in return for low taxation. 英美两国的主流左右翼政客都在迎合那些为他们的竞选埋单、以换取较低税收的人。
Mr Xie wrote: "people fawned on him like a prince." 谢国忠在邮件中写道:“人们把他捧得像个王子似的。”
He fawned on his superior so as to be promoted. 为了得到提拔,他不惜向上司摇尾乞怜。
Courtiers who had once flattered and fawned on him. 那些曾一度向他百般献媚奉承的朝臣们。