He remembers standing with his wife, staring fearfully at the giant crate in their garage: it weighed 2,000 pounds, as much as a small car. 他还记得当时与妻子站在车库里,忐忑不安地看着那个巨大的板条箱:箱子有2000磅重,相当于一辆小汽车的重量。
Answered the minister, encountering his eye, fearfully, but firmly. 牧师畏惧而坚定地对着他的目光,回答说。
The minister, on the other hand, had never gone through an experience calculated to lead him beyond the scope of generally received laws; although, in a single instance, he had so fearfully transgressed one of the most sacred of them. 而在牧师那一方面,却从来没有过一种经历会引导他跨越雷池一步;虽说只有一例,他曾经那么可怕地冒犯了其中最为神圣的戒条。
"How knewest thou that I was here?" asked the minister fearfully. “你怎么会知道我在这儿呢?”牧师惊惧地问。
True, he looked doubtfully, fearfully-even, at times, with horror and the bitterness of hatred-at the deformed figure of the old physician. 的确,他望着那老医生的畸形身躯时是满怀疑虑和恐惧的&有时甚至带有仇恨的刻毒和厌恶。
Some are hard-wired by genetics and early-life experience to react more fearfully to challenges. 有些人因为遗传因素和早年的生活经历根深蒂固,面对挑战时表现得比其他人更加害怕。
The human brain is wired to react fearfully to snakes, including in people without a conscious fear of snakes, says a study in this month's issue of Biological Psychology. 《华尔街日报》―发表于《生物心理学》(BiologicalPsychology)二月刊的研究论文称,人类大脑对蛇天生的反应就是畏惧,没意识到自己怕蛇的人也包括在内。
Maggie looked fearfully at Miss Agatha's blank face, and felt in her bones that another good beating was coming. 玛吉恐惧地看着阿加莎小姐那张毫无表情的脸,确信自己又要挨一顿痛打了。
Her cheeks burned, she was fearfully thirsty. 我感到疲乏,口渴,等等。她面颊绯红,口渴得要命。
I thought it would be fearfully quiet. 我起先还以为它一定是个死气沉沉的地方哩。
So even though these mice can touch the rat and see it breathing, without the vomeronasal organ system mice don't respond fearfully. 所以纵使这些缺乏犁鼻器的小鼠能触碰到大鼠,看到它在呼吸,也并不害怕。
I turned about to discover who spoke, fearfully; for the doors were shut, and I had seen nobody on approaching the steps. 我害怕地转过来看看倒是谁在说话,因为门是关着的,我又没看见有人上台阶。
Indeed, as soon as the animals caught sight of them, they all trembled and ran away fearfully. 果然,百兽一见到他们,都惊慌地逃跑了。
"Sorry, mister," he kept repeating, fearfully," sorry, Mister Tom." “对不起,先生,”他胆怯地不停重复着,“对不起,汤姆先生。”
In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine. 他们在那里提心吊胆地瞅着窗外那棵长春藤。
What will he do? She thought fearfully. 他将怎么办呢?她恐惧地想道。
If you would have good health then you must imagine this as vividly as you fearfully imagine ill health. 如果你愿意拥有良好的健康状况,你就必须和你恐惧地想象疾病一样生动地想象健康。
On his reaching the river Nile he saw a Lion on its bank, and being fearfully afraid, climbed up a tree. 他逃到尼罗河边,看见河岸上有一只狮子于是非常害怕,便爬到一棵树上去。
Although, in a single instance, he had so fearfully transgressed one of the most sacred of them. 虽说只有一例,他曾经那么可怕地冒犯了其中最为神圣的戒条。
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. 某种东西正向她走来,她在等待,恐惧地等待。
Pockets of hapless enemy soldiers are caught up here and there in the hubbub and excitement, huddling fearfully amid a scene of indescribable horror. 一群群不幸的敌军士兵在一片嘈杂和激动声中到处被抓,他们在这难以形容的恐怖场面中害怕得挤成一团。
She began to cry and bleat fearfully, and the farmer came out to protect the lamb. 羊妈妈开始很害怕地咩咩叫起来,农夫就跑出来保护小羊。
He was scowling fearfully, and I judged that he was concocting a particularly knotty editorial. 他皱眉瞪眼,样子很可怕,我估计他是在拼凑一篇特别伤脑筋的社论。
This world death is not fearful, compared to died fearfully is lonely. 这世界死亡并不可怕,比死亡更可怕的是孤独。
He glanced fearfully towards the Heights, begging she would remain another half-hour at least. 他害怕地向山庄溜了一眼,求她至少再逗留半个钟头。
Peering fearfully over the edge of the chasm, he sees deep below the missing lamb, plaintively bleating. 他害怕的从裂缝边缘往下看,发现丢失的羊羔正在下面悲伤的咩咩叫着。
Alois opened it and looked out fearfully. 爱露薏丝打开窗户怯怯地往外看。
And it is only fair to tell you frankly that I am fearfully extravagant. 但我向您说实话才对,我一向花钱如水。
Really! But weren't you fearfully tempted? 真的啊!你不是真的被人家诱惑了吧?
In the first place, his startling likeness to Catherine connected him fearfully with her. 首先,他和凯瑟琳的惊人的相像竟使他和她联在一起了。