The teachers also rated conduct problems-restlessness, daydreaming, disobedience, lying, etc.-and emotional problems-anxiety, fearfulness, diffidence, avoidance of attention, etc. 同时,教师们也就行为问题(多动、走神、叛逆、撒谎等)以及情绪问题(焦虑、恐惧、怯懦、无法集中精神等)打出了不同分数。
Aries, or less often the other fire signs, also may be used to overcome dependency or fearfulness. 白羊,较其他火象元素鲜见一些,也被运用于克服依赖或者恐惧。
But Edward was persistent his parents had always told him that his fearfulness was his chief detracting characteristic and later that night he got her address. 但爱德华百折不挠他父母总说他生性胆怯,畏首畏尾,成不了大器那天晚上,后来他终于搞到了她的住址。
The genes that contribute to fearfulness at different ages remain unknown, as evidence for the shift entirely lies in the strength of the links between fear levels in identical twins across time. 引起不同年龄阶段(的年轻人)产生恐惧的基因依然不清楚,因为这些证据完全依赖于同卵双胞胎之间的恐惧程度随时间变化的联系强度。
Such understanding of their fearfulness is called "knowledge of the awareness of fearfulness"; 这种对行法怖畏的了知就是“觉知怖畏智”,也叫“怖畏智”。
Fraternal twins also shared a tendency towards fearfulness but the link was less strong, indicating a genetic component to fearfulness. 非同卵双胞胎也有此趋势但要相对弱一些,这说明了产生恐惧的遗传因素。
It can cause fearfulness, withdrawal and extreme nervousness. 它可能导致害怕,孤独和极度的紧张。
The human spirit at its best is about managing the risks of growth intelligently, not avoiding them out of fearfulness and conservatism. 人类精神最好的情况下会聪明地管理成长的风险,而不似乎因为害怕和保守而逃避它们。
A tendency toward fearfulness does have genetic underpinnings, but those shift several times as children become adults, a study has found. 一个研究表明,恐惧确实有遗传学基础,但在孩子长大过程中,恐惧会发生几次变化。
For all the provocations, the Israeli leadership's willingness to see so many Palestinians killed speaks to fearfulness above strength. 尽管多次挑衅,但以色列领导人愿意见到这么多巴勒斯坦人死去,说明胆怯胜过实力。
The Application of Fearfulness in Ad Creation 恐惧情绪在广告创意中的运用
Together with private sponsors, they employed a variety of means and managed to create favorable conditions by eliminating the wide-spread fearfulness over foreign scientists on campus. 他们与洛克菲勒基金会等美国私人性资助团体一起采取种种措施,化解了美国高校中普遍存在的对外来科学家的恐惧症,为接受德国流亡科学家创造了有利的条件。
Results: 44.7% of the subjects reported a decrease in fearfulness to endodontic procedures as the result of having experienced RCT. 结果:44.7%的患者经历根管治疗后畏惧程度降低。