As a specific kind of actions, the relationship between nonfeasance and feasance is opposite as well as combinative, or opposite and combinative. 不作为是行为的一种特殊方式,与作为具有一种相反同时又是结合与竞合关系。
Legality of feasance duty in pseudo crime of nonfeasance 论不真正不作为犯作为义务的法定性
Whether Should Important Moral Duty Be the Origin of Obligation of Feasance in Negative Crime 重大道德义务应否成为不作为犯罪中作为义务来源
How to Handle the Unnormalized Feasance by Owner in Construction Supervision Process 浅谈如何应对工程监理过程中项目业主方的不规范行为
In criminal law non feasance is based on the precondition that actor has obligation of certain feasance, the essential being he should have done but fails to do. 刑法意义上的不作为,是以行为人负有某种特定作为义务为前提,实质是应为而不为,即行为人能够履行而没有履行刑法所要求的某种特定义务。