First capturing the images by CCD camera, after preprocessing and featrue extracting, the system recognizes the character information based on ANN. 首先通过CCD摄像头获取轮胎胎号图像,再对得到的图像进行预处理和特征提取,最后用人工神经网络的方法识别出图像中的字符信息。
In the light of the basic demand of this structure, the life sanitary landfill site adopted an anaerobic filling structure in Linchuan city based on ( 1:2000) hydrogeological investigating and engineering geological prospecting the engineering geological featrue of planning establish field is studied. 临川市垃圾填埋场根据所选用的改良厌氧卫生填埋结构对工程地质条件的基本要求,在拟建场区开展1:2000水文地质调查与工程地质勘察的基础上,进行工程地质特征研究。
The Trying Analysis on the Basic Featrue of Legal Grounds of Divorce 试析我国离婚法定理由的基本特点
This paper introduces the structure of the controlling system of EPS accelerator, the hardware configuration software design method of this system are expounded combining with featrue of process. 本文介绍了改造EPS加速器控制系统的结构,结合生产实际阐述了该系统的硬件组成和软件设计方法。
The camera self-calibration and the featrue points '3D modeling are two key techniques in image-based modeling. 相机自定标及对应特征点三维重建是三维重建技术中的关键问题。