And along with their expanding wallets 4 million Americans are expected to pop the question or receive a proposal on Feb 14. 随着钱包渐渐鼓起来,四百万美国人将在2月14日求婚或者接受求婚。
In the third and final episode of season two, which aired on Feb 27, a computer-generated character from a TV show is jokingly put forward to become a member of Parliament. 作为本季的收官之作,《黑镜子》第二季的第三集于2月27日播出。在这集中,一档电视节目中的虚拟人物开玩笑说要竞选国会议员。
On Saturday, he tried to buy the ticket for his trip returning home on Feb 8 but failed after numerous attempts. 上周六,他试图购买一张2月8日回家的车票,但屡试屡败。
Li staged the first occupation on Feb 19 at a public toilet in Guangzhou, and set off a fierce public debate. 2月19日,李婷婷首次策划了广州占领男厕所活动,引发公众热议。
A magnitude-8.8 earthquake on Feb 27 in Chile left roughly 800 dead. 2月27日,智利发生8.8级地震,约有800人死亡。
Under the Dome, a 103-minute documentary self-funded by former news anchor Chai Jing, was released on video-sharing websites in China on Feb 28. 这部103分钟的纪录片名为《穹顶之下》,于2月28日登上中国各大视频网站,它是由前央视新闻调查记者柴静自费拍摄制作。
An inspection squad of the Xinhua District's Administration of Industry and Commerce in Shijiazhuang city, launched a campaign to crack down the sale of the tablets on Feb 9 after receiving Proview Technology ( Shenzhen)'s complaint. 石家庄市已经受理立案唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司的投诉,2月9日石家庄市新华区的工商部门组织检查小分队,开展了侵权产品查处行动。
But after all I gotta improve my English in feb! 但是我在寒假一定要念好英文啊!
The test on7 th Feb contains multiple choice question and conventional questions. 各同学请留意,二月七日的补课的测验,试卷中包含多项选择题及问答题。
Offer firm reply here Friday 100000 tons cotton 24 pences propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment. 兹报实盘以你星期五复到为准100000吨棉花每磅24便士亚历山德里船上交货价二月装船。
We acknowledge your quotation dated Feb, 22 with thanks and want to place you our order No.883 as enclosed. 我方已收到贵方于2月22号的报价,并将向你方订货,订单号为883。
The investigation on the microstructure and properties of TiB/ FeB reinforced Fe matrix composites coating by argon arc cladding 氩弧熔覆TiB/FeB增强Fe基复合涂层组织与性能研究
Hebei Shangyu Law Firm built up attorney-client relationship with two Japan-funded enterprises in Feb, 2009. 本月河北廊坊商宇律师事务所与两家日资企业建立法律服务关系。
On the 8th Feb 2007's study is the first to put a figure on how much that has cost, and to work out an alternative. 《自然》杂志2007年2月8日的研究报告,首次使用数据来说明这种成本,并提出另一种解决方案。
Feb, 2000 P& G signs an agreement with China Daily to sponsor the fifth session of the competition. 2000年2月中国日报社和宝洁(中国)有限公司签署协议联合举办第五届全国英语演讲比赛。
According to the official plan, the Beijing government will organize a recruitment trip to the quake-hit region for work units in Feb, May or Jun, and Sep or Oct. 今年北京市还将组织本市用人单位适时前往灾区进行现场招聘。
Although there have been a couple of Hudson releases since the fork ( 1.396 on10th Feb and1.398 on14th March), this represents the first significant reset and forward looking plan. 与Jenkins分开后,尽管Hudson已经发布了多个新版本(2月10日发布的1.396以及3月14日的1.398),但是这一新版本编号却意味着向前看的一次重要的重置。
I went overseas in Feb to San Francisco and UK. I visited an IT company, went to an academic conference, visited relatives and did some site seeing. 在二月时我到三藩市和英国跑了一趟,造访了一间IT公司,去了一个学术学议,探访了一些亲戚和游览了一些名胜。
If expired on Jan 23, will be paid by Feb 6, etc. 如果在1月23日到期的,将在二月6日前支付,等等。
SSH will meet with his fans in Japan again this 28 Feb, through the release of his pictorial book. 宋承宪今年2月28日在日本通过出示写真集再次和日本影迷见面。
Feb, 27, when I was in the hospital. 二月27日,当时我在医院里。
The Food Standards Agency on the 14th Feb said that producer Bernard Matthews had agreed temporarily to stop supplying retailers with frozen products containing Hungarian meat. 英国食品标准局(FoodStandardsAgency)2月14日表示,生产商BernardMatthews已暂时同意,停止向零售商供应含原产于匈牙利的冷冻肉产品。
The 2 Feb's data showed Korean exports, a barometer of global trade, down a third from their level last January. 2月2日的数据显示,作为全球贸易的晴雨表,韩国1月份出口同比下降三分之一。
The reason I come to Thailand at this time, is for the Flower Festival in Chiang Mai which is hold the first Friday-Sunday of Feb every year, but Saturday is the most important day! 我在大年初一就跑到泰国曼谷,只住了一晚又飞向清迈,都是为了赶上清迈每年二月第一个周末的花节呀!
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes'baby girl had her first taste of the Oscars on24th Feb when she accompanied her dad to Academy Awards rehearsals at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. 2月24日,汤姆·克鲁斯和凯蒂·赫尔姆斯的爱女实现了她的奥斯卡“初体验”,和爸爸一起参加了在好莱坞柯达剧院举行的奥斯卡颁奖典礼彩排。
There is FeB phase in a melted zone; 熔区中某一区段出现了FeB相;