
英 [ˈfiːkənd] 美 [ˈfiːkənd]

adj.  生殖力旺盛的; 多产的; 有发明创造力的; (尤指)能提出新颖想法的


BNC.36013 / COCA.26800



  1. 生殖力旺盛的;多产的
    able to produce a lot of children, crops, etc.
    1. 有发明创造力的;(尤指)能提出新颖想法的
      producing new and useful things, especially ideas


      1. ADJ-GRADED 肥沃的;丰腴的;多产的
        Land or soil that is fecund is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants.
        1. The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world...
        2. Large animals are less fecund than small ones.
      2. ADJ-GRADED 有创造力的;成就斐然的;硕果累累的
        If you describe something as fecund, you approve of it because it produces a lot of good or useful things.
        1. It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s.
          现在已经很清楚 19 世纪 90 年代是多么超乎寻常、成就斐然的 10 年了。


      1. The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world
      2. Large animals are less fecund than small ones.
      3. It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s.
      4. But are these dark figures typical or figments of a fecund imagination?
      5. As an outstanding opera master, Mozart composed pure and beautiful music, and the drama in the opera is more creative. So we will have created a new race of fecund, productive individuals and that could have dramatic consequences.
      6. Its cloud forests are particularly fecund: 14 of the30 new species of frog discovered were found in a patch of cloud forest just a couple of miles wide, according to the press release.
      7. To make fecund or fruitful.
      8. The large, redbrick vicarage was built in the days of more fecund clergy.
      9. Be fond of the arenaceous qualitative loam with wet and good, fecund catchment.
      10. In most other countries the rich were less fecund: the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father, for example.
      11. The lotus-shaped exhibition hall on the second floor houses a madly eclectic tribute to the Socialist Republic's history, ideals and influences. My favourite display spoke of a fecund past and future, punctuated by a dark war.
      12. North of the northwest of our country, China north, northeast western area once forest lush of dense, prairie, farm is fecund, breed goes bright civilization.
      13. That spending includes pensions and benefits in other words, redistributing money to the unemployed, the retired and the fecund from childless people with well-paid jobs.
      14. So we will have created a new race of fecund, productive individuals and that could have dramatic consequences.
      15. The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country, to provide an additional "crop", may thus backfire.
      16. China has a relatively long history ot o-ral contraception use among married fecund women, but the prevalence if kept in a certain level.
      17. The AFP concentration in serum was measured in endodermai sinus tumors, in order to study the Thecapeutie marker significance of AFP in fecund cause patients.
      18. Status, satisfaction extent and side effect evaluation of married fecund women with different characteristics were not completely identical.
      19. Study on Acceptability of Contraceptive Methods for Married Fecund Women in Rural Areas of Jiangsu Province
      20. Among married fecund women in rural areas of Jiangsu province, the major contraceptive methods being used were IUD and tubal ligation ( 46.67% and 36.39%).
      21. The wild boar ( Sus scrofa) which inhabited wide areas of continents except Antarctica or some islets had high adaptability to environment, is a fecund ancestral species of domestic pigs.



      1. capable of producing offspring or vegetation

        1. intellectually productive
          1. a prolific writer
          2. a fecund imagination

          Synonym:    fertileprolific