We have design the structure of pixel circuit and chosen circuit parameter precisely to limit the parasitic effect on the analysis of "clock feed-through" and "data feed-through". 第四章主要研究由电路寄生参数引起的“时钟穿透效应”与“数据信号穿透效应”进行了分析与仿真,并精确选择保护电路参数及其电路结构。
Design Methodology for Improving Electronic Device's EMC Capability by Feed-through Filter 利用馈通滤波器提高电子设备EMC性能的设计方法
If the fit is good, itis important to set the sensitivity to zero and verify this is still the case, because of the possibility of feed-through. 如果状况良好,非常重要的是设置敏感度为零,因为完全的可能性,可以验证这还是该实例。
A novel two step sampling SI circuit ( S2I) is presented. Techniques to minimize the clock feed-through effects are analyzed. 开关电流电路(SI)是近年兴起的一种模拟电路。文中引用了新型的两步采样开关电流技术(S2I),对该电路中减小时钟馈漏效应的几种方法进行了分析。
The reasons of DC offset and clock feed-through are analyzed, and pertaining solutions are brought out according to given application conditions. 本文分析了直流失调电压以及时钟馈通现象产生的原因,并且结合具体的应用条件提出有针对性的解决方案。
Mathematic model for the true penetrating depth of eddy current feed-through probe 涡流穿过式传感器实际渗透深度的数学模型
Discussion on the notch width of the feed-through coil for eddy current testing 涡流探伤用穿过式线圈槽宽的探讨
Carrier Feed-through Nulling in Millimeter Wave Continuous Wave Radar 毫米波连续波雷达载波泄漏对消
This article discussed a soulation that we will install a feed-through filter or a filtered connector. 本文叙述了使用通过安装馈通滤波器或滤波器连接器的折衷办法来抑制辐射发射或抗骚扰。
The simulation and the theoretical analysis both demonstrate that a well designed nulling system is capable to cut down the feed-through power by 30~ 60dB. All these provide theoretical basis for further experimental studies. 结果表明设计良好的对消系统能有效地抵消载波泄漏功率达30~60dB,为进一步作实验研究提供了理论基础。
The sample and hold circuit is employed by the bottom plate sampling technique, which could not only cancel the charge injection error but also eliminate the effect of clock feed-through. 采样保持电路设计采用了电容下极板采样技术,不仅有效地避免了电荷注入效应引起的采样信号失真,而且消除了时钟馈通效应的不良影响。
At the same time, the impact of several non-ideal factors on the performance of S/ H is presented, such as nonlinearity of the switch resistance, charge injection effect, clock feed-through effect, incompletely settling of op amp. 同时,分析了电路中的各种非理想因素对电路性能的影响,例如开关导通电阻的非线性、电荷注入效应、时钟馈通效应、运放的不完整建立,等等。
However, compared to CVS circuit and the clock feed-through compensation circuit, the new switched current memory cell has a simple structure and has no complex clock control. 然而,相比于CVS电路和时钟馈通补偿电路,新型低误差开关电流存储单元的电路结构简单,且没有复杂的时钟控制模块。
Because of the capacitance bottom plate sampling and fully differential structure, the charge injection effect of switched-MOSFET and the clock feed-through effect induced signal error are eliminated. The linearity, signal to noise ratio ( SNR) and conversion-speed of the ADC are improved. 由于采用了电容下极板采样和全差分结构,能够有效地消除开关管的电荷注入效应和时钟馈通效应引起的采样信号的误差,提高模数转换器的线型度、信噪比和转换速度。
The problem of feed-through coupling from the actuation signal to the sensing signal, arising from the proximity of IPMC and PVDF, presents a significant challenge in real-time implementation. 由于IPMC和PVDF位置接近,激励信号和感知信号产生了馈通耦合问题,提出了一个在实时操作上的巨大的挑战。
To study effect of the non-ideal factors of charge pump such as clock feed-through, charge injection and current matching, a novel structure for a charge pump circuit is proposed to achieve perfect current matching. 研究了时钟馈通、电荷注入和电流匹配等非线性因素对电荷泵的影响,并提出了一个新颖结构的电荷泵,达到很好的动态电流匹配。
Among those, the high frequency feed-through cable forming from a section of unclosed copper cable and the equivalent fringing capacitance in the terminal is studied. It acts as the LPF, effectively eliminating the high frequency component in the feed-in signal. 高频扼流圈是一段未闭合的铜,和其终端等效的边缘电容形成一个低通滤波器,可以有效地滤除馈入信号中的高频成分。