Back home, Shirley plays with, feeds and bathes the baby. 回到家里,雪莉逗宝宝玩耍,喂他吃饭,给他洗澡。
She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her. 她对电影业可能有些怀疑失望,但终究没有恩将仇报之意。
When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often 婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。
An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer. 自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。
Chris would have been well advised to heed the old saying 'Never bite the hand that feeds you.' 克里斯本应听从那句老话——“千万不要恩将仇报”。
Demand-chain management captures information on consumer behaviour at the point of sale and feeds it up the supply chain. 需求环节的管理层会捕捉销售点顾客购物行为的信息,然后把信息再反馈给供应环节。
Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds. 多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。
She feeds the baby with a spoon. 她用汤匙喂婴儿。
He feeds oats to his cattle. 他给牛喂燕麦。
The dragonfly feeds on mosquitoes and flies. 蜻蜓捕食蚊蝇。
The river feeds into the Pacific ocean. 这条河流入太平洋。
Oil feeds into an engine. 油加入发动机。
John feeds everyone up with his constant appeals for help. 约翰老是要别人帮忙,使大家感到厌烦。
This bear feeds off the leaves of the tree. 这只熊依靠这棵树的树叶生存。
Coccidiostats are routinely used in broiler feeds. 抗球虫药物每天均用于肉用仔鸡饲料中。
A common catalog is used to store and publish these feeds. 使用一个公共目录来存储和发布这些提要。
You can also follow feeds from Twitter and FriendFeed manually and by using a simple shell script. 您也可以从Twitter和FriendFeed手动地跟踪feed,或者使用一个简单的shell脚本跟踪feed。
Before delving into the details, here are possible use cases for search results and RSS feeds. 在钻研细节之前,这里给出了搜索结果和RSS提要的可能用例。
You can also add bookmarks and feeds to the group. 还可以向这个群组添加书签和提要。
Three more feeds of various PHP forums are added to the subscription list. 订阅列表中添加了另外三个不同PHP论坛的提要。
These particular feed sources provide RSS feeds in the Business and Finance category/ channel. 这些特定的提要源提供了商业和金融类/频道中的RSS提要。
You can see that one field is added to the feeds table: rss. 您能看到feeds表添加了一个新的字段:rss。
This view displays the subscribed feeds and websites to logged-in users. 这个视图向已登录用户展示了已订阅的提要和Web站点。
The boa feeds on birds and small mammals. 蟒主要吃鸟和小的哺乳动物。
One ocean feeds the clouds, and streams, and dew; 大海哺育了云雾、雨露和溪涧;
If you are already receiving notifications and your needs change, you can cancel the RSS feeds and alerts. 如果已经接收了通知,但是您的需要发生了变化,可以取消rss源和通知。
Small bird of tropical Africa and Asia; feeds on beeswax and honey and larvae. 非洲和亚洲热带的小鸟;以蜂蜡、蜂蜜和蜜蜂幼虫为食。
The Chinese made eel feeds and their relative indices were also compared and discussed. 并且对国产鳗鱼饲料测定结果与有关指标进行了比较和讨论。
Wetlands are full of vegetation that feeds everything from fish to people. 湿地中长满了植被,能够为鱼类和人类等一切生物提供食物。
A microbiological method for the determination of enramycin in feeds was studied. 研究并建立了微生物学法测定饲料中恩拉霉素含量的方法。