VERB 装作;假装;冒充 If someone feigns a particular feeling, attitude, or physical condition, they try to make other people think that they have it or are experiencing it, although this is not true.
One morning, I didn't want to go to school, and decided to feign illness... 有天早晨我不想上学,于是决定装病。
'Giles phoned this morning,' Mirella said with feigned indifference. “贾尔斯今早来电话了,”米雷拉装作若无其事地说。
But a more discretionary system of side-payments is complex, and may be corrupted if one of you feigns exhaustion when in fact you simply fancy a glass of wine and a bit of TV. 但一个更为随意的补偿支付(side-payment)体系很复杂,如果你们其中一方假装疲惫,实际上只是想喝杯酒、看看电视,那么这个体系就会崩塌。
And the third simulation, in the affirmative; when a man industriously, and expressly, feigns and pretends to be that he is not. 第三是作伪,是积极的,就是一个人有意并且显著地装出他实际非是的那种为人来。
You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old you are. 你知道当你告诉别人你有多大岁数时,大家如何装作惊讶。
He turns and feigns surprise. 他转过身,装着很惊讶的样子。
The Lord knows when one is a hypocrite who feigns religiosity; this person may be able to fool others, but he cannot fool God. 耶和华洞悉假意敬虔虚伪之人的作为;这个人也许能够愚弄其他的人,但却无法瞒骗得了上帝。
Her prose has not been false and feigns, by the level writing style, calmly gives the human by to live simply, the tranquil esthetic feeling. 她的散文没有虚伪和矫饰,以平实的笔调,静静地予人以淡泊、宁静的审美感受。
At the first trumpet, the center falls back, feigns a retreat. 第一声号,中心退后,假装退败。
However, it is hard to understand why everybody feigns surprise at the fact that current account imbalances can be financed indefinitely in a monetary union. 然而,令人难以理解的是,为何所有人都对以下事实装作大惊小怪:在货币联盟内,经常项目失衡能够无限地得到融资。