n. 伙伴关系; 友谊; 交情; (具有共同利益、目的或信仰的)团体,协会,联谊会; (学院或大学的)董事职位 fellowship的复数
N-COUNT (有共同目的或利益的)团体,协会,联谊会 A fellowship is a group of people that join together for a common purpose or interest.
...the National Schizophrenia Fellowship... 国家精神分裂研究协会
At Merlin's instigation, Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table. 在梅林的建议下,亚瑟王创建了圆桌骑士团。
N-COUNT (大学的)研究员职位 A fellowship at a university is a post which involves research work.
He was offered a research fellowship at Clare College. 他在克莱尔学院得到了一个研究员职位。
N-UNCOUNT 友谊;交情;交谊 Fellowship is a feeling of friendship that people have when they are talking or doing something together and sharing their experiences.
The ambassador has endowed a$ 1 million public-service fellowships program. 大使资助了一项100万美元的公共服务奖学金计划。
We give ten research fellowships every year. 我们每年给十个研究生奖学金。
The rewarding excellence and punishing inferior mechanism needs to optimized through dynamic management of the fellowships and assistantships. 通过奖助学金的动态管理,完善奖优罚劣的激励机制。
University of Richmond has supported unpaid research and nonprofit work for years, but created more than 100 new fellowships this year for students with unpaid internships at for-profit enterprises. 里士满大学(UniversityofRichmond)多年来一直补贴无薪研究和非营利性实习,而今年该校特地为在盈利性企业工作的无薪实习生增设了100个实习奖金名额。
Like the Esperanto fellowship, scores of other Rotary Fellowships share an international vision. 就像世界语联谊会一样,其他数十种扶轮联谊会也有一样的国际观。
Donors establishing endowed Rotary World Peace Fellowships receive the appropriate recognition associated with their permanent fund gift. 捐献人设立捐赠扶轮世界和平奖学金可以得到永久基金捐赠的适当表彰。
Could you talk with me about the scholarships, assistantships, and fellowships? 可以给我说说学院助学金.助教金.还有奖学金吗?
Technical Assistance Recruitment and Fellowships Office 技术援助征聘和研究金事务处
But he was also delighted at the idea of seeing his three senior fellowships again after three-month-long separation. 但是,他又在排练后三个月之久的分离他的三个高级研究金再想法感到高兴。
The commonest forms of aid at this level are scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships. 对这一级学生的资助最普遍的方式是奖学金、研究员薪金和助教费。
We give three research fellowships a year. 我们每年有三个研究生奖学金名额。
Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either. a scholarship is financial aid to undergraduates; a fellowship is for graduate students. 奖学金和助学金也不需要还款。奖学金是提供给大学生的金融援助,而助学金是提供给研究生的。
By some accounts, epilepsy has lost as many as10 fellowships and training grants. 有关统计显示,癫痫已经失去了多达10个奖学金及训练补助金。
Policies and Procedures governing the administration of United Nations fellowships 联合国研究金管理政策及程序
Directory of Fellowships for Education and Training 教育与训练研究金名录
And alongside research grants, the organisation also offers fellowships and travel grants to improve contacts between individual scientists and institutions in the South. 而且除了科研经费,该组织还提供了奖学金和差旅补助来改善南方的各个科学家与机构之间的联系状况。
Training in the clinical or biomedical sciences is not supported by these fellowships. 临床医学和生物医学领域不在本奖学金的资助范围。
If TWAS can sustain and expand the number of fellowships, it could help train thousands of young scientists. 如果TWAS能够维持并增加奖学金份数,它就有可能帮助训练成千上万的青年科学家。
Few graduate students think about applying for postdoctoral fellowships in a timely way. 极少的博士生极少思考在一个合适的时候申请博士后。
At the Medallions Awards Ceremony in Cyprus, EDI awarded two LCCI Fellowships to recognise the lifetime achievements and outstanding contributions to LCCI. 在塞浦路斯的颁奖典礼上,EDI授予了两名LCCI奖学金获得者,以表彰他们成就以及对LCCI做出的杰出贡献。
The United States announced at the meeting that it will provide ten fellowships for agricultural researchers from developing countries to collaborate on the alliance's research. 美国在此次会议上宣布它将为发展中国家的农业研究者提供10份奖学金从而在该联盟的研究上合作。
The fellowships will provide financial support to students and also offer them training programmes on ways to develop systems for offering a product or service. 这一奖学金将为学生提供财政支持,还将培训他们开发提供产品或服务的体系。
We have also fellowships for people who have things such as occupations in common. 在有共同背景例如相同职业的人之间,我们还有团契。
Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either. 奖学金和助学金也不需要还款。
Additionally, he has twice been granted fellowships in poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts. 另外,全国艺术捐赠基金会曾两次给他颁发诗歌奖学金。
My younger brother and me both were benefited by such programs, he got fellowships, which was the easy way to go; 我的弟弟和我都得益于这种节目,他得到奖学金,这是容易的路要走;
This time we are going to talk about financial aid in the form of assistantships, grants, scholarships and fellowships. 这次我们将谈论金融援助的各种形式,研究生助教奖学金、助金、学金及助学金。
She has received numerous awards including two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and a Guggenheim Fellowship. 阿多尼诺曾荣获多种荣誉和奖项,其中包括两次获得美国艺术捐赠基金奖和古根海姆奖。
Doctoral fellowships at this school are valued at$ 16, 000 per year. 这所学校的博士生奖学金是每年一万六千元。
Rotary Recreational and Vocational Fellowships are independent Rotarian-administered groups organized around a specific recreational activity or profession. 扶轮休闲及职业联谊乃由扶轮社员自行管理的团体,专为某一特定的休闲活动或专业而组成。