The dweller of site tell a reporter, the household, who catch fire, is a couple old man's baron and feme, live alone at home, none of childrens at nearby. 现场的居民告诉记者,失火的住户是一对老人夫妇,单独住在家,儿女都不在身边。
Face the interrogation of Tan Qing Rui's "the home lives where"," why to think that the anti turns on", the said feme doesn't just shed tears to the correspondence and yell" let me get off ". 面对谭庆瑞的“家住哪里”、“为什么想不开”的询问,该女子不予回应,只是流泪并大喊“让我下车”。
Tan Qing Rui right away gets off and see120 many year old, the tears cover the face feme clime to Xiang river male iron big bridge south side rail, precarious. 谭庆瑞当即下车,看到一名20多岁、泪流满面的女子攀上湘江公铁大桥南侧栏杆,岌岌可危。
China Feme Law is consistent with "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" in most aspect. Our nation has been and is performing faithfully the international obligation to eliminate ( discriminations) on women. 我国妇女权益保障法与《消除对妇女一切歧视公约》绝大多数是协调的,我们国家已经或正在忠实地履行消除对妇女一切歧视的国际义务。
William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway are generally acknowledged as two of the most influential novelists of the twentieth century and both enjoy international feme in the literary world. 威廉·福克纳和厄内斯特·海明威是二十世纪美国最有影响力的小说家中的两位。他们在世界文坛上都享有极高的声誉。