
英 [ˈfendɪŋ] 美 [ˈfendɪŋ]

v.  照料,照顾(自己)


  1. VERB 照料,照顾(自己)
    If you have to fend for yourself, you have to look after yourself without relying on help from anyone else.
    1. The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves.
  2. PHRASAL VERB 挡开,避开(问题或人)
    If you fend off unwanted questions, problems, or people, you stop them from affecting you or defend yourself from them, but often only for a short time and without dealing with them completely.
    1. He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press...
    2. He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn't fend them off any longer.
  3. PHRASAL VERB 挡住,抵挡(攻击)
    If you fend off someone who is attacking you, you use your arms or something such as a stick to defend yourself from their blows.
    1. He raised his hand to fend off the blow.


  1. He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.
  2. By lending their navies to rulers fending off invaders, they won special privileges to trade without paying tariffs.
  3. But he was bad at growing and managing that business, fending off competitors, and adapting to a fast changing landscape.
  4. Lu said that at first it was difficult bringing her back to normal life because she resisted showering, wearing clothes or using chopsticks, fending him off and shouting and crying.
  5. Fending off Tencent and Baidu
  6. Touchscreen power-ups will let players interact with zombies directly, instead of just fending them off by setting up defenses like pea shooters.
  7. The impact from financial crisis to Beijing's commercial and suggestion for fending off the crisis
  8. Therefore, for China, at first, the most important thing is to pay attention to maintaining the basic balance in macro economy, fending off various risks and hedging those capitals due to hedge.
  9. The first annual innovation monitor by the EEF manufacturing organisation showed manufacturers were fending off competition from lower cost competitors with innovations designed to better meet customers 'needs.
  10. The two stood fronting each other, not noticing the stranger in the Grass-the boy pressing on, the girl fending off.
  11. As soon as you feel that crazy sense of walking on eggshells, fending off narcissistic rage, stop.
  12. The same hormones that boost your body's supply of available energy in fending off an impending threat also tell your brain that you need to replenish that energy once it's used up.
  13. In the past I chalked this up to good, old-fashioned denial: fending off the headache-inducing obligations and demands of the season is a fairly universal impulse.
  14. The king of Pop was also the king of profligacy, spending his final years fending off creditors in spite of prodigious earnings over four decades.
  15. Today's figures suggest this may be happening, but economists say the world's second-largest economy cannot avoid the impact of a US slowdown, even if demand from other markets is so far fending off a fall in exports.
  16. Wal-Mart, the US retail giant known for fending off organised labour in its home market, has completed collective bargaining agreements with unions in two Chinese cities.
  17. The FSA, after all, has faced criticism for failing to get tougher on bank bonuses and it is fending off proposals to put it under the Bank of England.
  18. Politicians are very good at fending off awkward questions.
  19. He is always spending his time fending with the neighbors.
  20. Animals kept on small farms also produce benefits, such as fending off predators and pests and fertilizing soil.
  21. The utility model can be used for building and rebuilding top emersed strobes, in particular to tide fending and salty water sluice gate, and the investment is small.
  22. So it's been a very nervous day for the mainly Mozambicans and Zimbabweans who are here not sure whether they will be spending tonight in the camp or be fending for themselves.
  23. We wish to do our part in fending off the dark clouds of terrorism, hatred, armed conflict, which in these last few months have grown particularly ominous on humanity's horizon.
  24. Far from undermining the department's position, the freedoms unleashed by the market economy have made personnel control more essential than ever in fending off rivals for power.
  25. The team is also fending off the ravenous English tabloids, hungering for whatever Beckham tidbit they can find.
  26. He moves slowly and deftly, charmingly fending off a fan keen to tell him about the time she saw him playing tennis.
  27. At the cat's advanced age, its immune system may not have been as adept at fending off influenza as that of a younger animal& similar to the vulnerability seen in aging humans.
  28. But you're not just fending for yourself.