'I started fixin' up ole bicycles fer poor kids. ' “我开始为穷孩子修理旧自行车。”
The ministers, who studied at the same university in Giessen in western Germany, spoke German throughout, as did several of the other officials present, Sch ä fer said. 两位外长均曾在德国西部吉森的同一所大学就读。谢弗表示,二人从始至终以德语交流,在场的其他几名官员也是。
Ready fer the off? 准备离开了?
Additional reporting by Daniel Sch 228; fer in London 丹尼尔•谢弗(DanielSch&228;fer)伦敦补充报道
Never told him what was in the letter Dumbledore left fer him? 没有告诉他邓布利多留给他的那封信中写的是什么?
Huccome you din 'ast dem ter stay fer supper, Miss Scarlett? 你怎么没留他们吃晚饭呀,思嘉小姐?
N: I think you should see a dermatologist first. If nece ary we'll tra fer you to the physician. 我想你应当先看皮肤科大夫。需要的话再转内科。
I see little future fer subsidized industry. 我看受资助的工业没多少前途。
Some policy suggestions are therefore offered including extending the application scope of exchange funds, changing FER monetary structure and perfecting open market operation. 提出了扩展外汇资金运用方式,调整外汇储备的币种结构,完善公开市场业务等应对策略。
"She Doan never git no res'on her piller fer hoppin'up at night time nursin'niggers an po'w'ite trash dat could ten'to deyseff," grumbled mammy in a monotone as she went down the stairs toward the carriage which was waiting in the side drive. “她总是一点也不休息,深更半夜为黑人和穷白人下流坯子看病,好像他们就照顾不了自己。”嬷嬷自言自语咕囔着下了台阶,向等在道旁的马车走去。
Fer her, love is a very concious choice of life. 对她来说,爱情是生命的选择。
He works fer his father. 他为他的父亲工作。
Fer, if any, innocent ever appear in court, because, when the athorities discover they are innocent they let them go, and continue after the real culpret. 如果万一有无辜的人被带上法庭,法官发现他是无辜的话就会释放他,然后抓到真正的罪犯之后继续进行审判。
Shumahe, champion of the world fer and many other famous athletes have donated a lot. . 世界一级方程式赛车冠军舒马赫以及许多非体育界的名人都已慷慨解囊。
Man oh man, if that weren't no miracle I don't know one since her husband been dead and buried fer two whole years come Easter Sunday. 哦,上帝啊,如果连这都不算奇迹的话,我真不知道有什么事情是奇迹了,要知道,到复活节那天,她丈夫都去世整整两个年头了。
BMW said yesterday that soaring demand for premium cars in China could prompt it to lift production capacity in the country by more than sevenfold in the long term, Daniel Sch ä fer reports from Hamburg. 宝马公司(BMW)昨天说,中国市场豪华轿车需求的激增,长期而言可能促使该公司将其在中国的产能提升7倍以上。
But it is lack of the level of macroeconomics, This paper tries to find and formulates the microeconomics foundation of international trade with respect to FER. 本文基于浮动汇率前提,试在宏观经济层面寻找国际贸易中汇率变量的微观基础,并给出程式化分析。
According to the international standard of moderate reserve holdings, China's FER has been obviously excessive in view of either total volume or increment. 根据国际上外汇储备适度规模理论,我国外汇储备无论从总量还是增量来说,都已超出国际公认的常规标准。
"It's a mighty cold day for a lady to be out in," said her escort." have you come a fer piece?" “这么大冷天,一位太太出门可不容易呀,”她的这位“扈从”温情地说,“你走了很远一段路吧?”
With foreign exchange rate ( FER) fluctuating sharply, the effect of FER on international trade is more significant than before. 随着汇率波动的加剧,汇率对贸易的影响凸现。
Boy: He says his name is Master Fer. 男孩他说他名叫勒飞先生。
Tax official: you mean that your company tra fer the right to use land in exchange for the ownership of the housing. 税务局:这意味着你们是以转让无形资产换取房屋所有权。
Keynesian focus on FER with the aggregation demand analysis tools. Thereby, which reserve the inherent flaw-lack of solid foundation of microeconomics; 凯恩斯主义在其需求分析的框架中研究汇率,因此其汇率分析也必然带有凯恩斯主义固有的缺陷―缺乏较坚实的微观基础;
Since reform and opening up, FER in our country has been increasing. 改革开放以来,我国外汇储备总的呈增长态势。
Face Expression Recognition ( FER) system is expected to have numerous applications in many fields. 人脸表情识别技术在许多领域都有着广泛的应用和研究价值。
Analyze the influence of FER in PPM communication system in atmospheric weak turbulence channel. 4. 分析了大气弱湍流信道对PPM调制下通信系统误帧率的影响。
The third part discusses factors of FER increments from demand aspects and supply aspects. 第三部分讨论了影响我国外汇储备的因素,从需求和供给两个方面进行论述。