Male infertility is mostly caused by men producing too few sperm or sperm that don't work properly ( i.e. they don't swim as well as they should, or when they meet an egg they don't fertilise it as they should). 男性不孕大多数是由男人产生太少的精子或精子没有适当运转(例如它们没有像它们应该的那样游动,或当它们遇到一个卵巢它们没有按它们应该做的生殖)导致的。
The males fertilise the eggs as they are laid. 就在产卵时雄性使其受精。
A few of the cells underwent the crucial step of meiosis cell division followed by growth into mobile sperm with a head ( to fertilise the egg) and tail ( for mobility). 少数细胞通过了细胞减数分裂的关键一步,发育成为有活力的精子,有用以使卵子受精的精子头部和使精子移动的尾部。
They stressed they had made no attempt to fertilise human eggs with the sperm. 他们强调,他们不打算用人造精子使人类卵子受精。
In the early20th century, the world's growing population couldn't find enough ammonia to fertilise all its crops. 二十世纪初,世界人口不断增长,但人们还没有认识到足够的氨可以让耕地更加肥沃。
Zhangzidao Fishery Group, a Chinese aquaculture company, recycles uneaten fish feed to fertilise crops. 大连的海洋食品企业獐子岛渔业集团,重复利用剩鱼来肥沃庄稼。
They could also get precious manure to fertilise the fields. 他们也得到了珍贵的粪肥来滋养田地。
Here'sa close-up of a number of sperm trying to fertilise an egg. 这张图片近拍了大量精子尝试给一个卵子受精的场景。
Nearly all our orchidaceous plants absolutely require the visits of insects to remove their pollen-masses and thus to fertilise them. 我们的兰科植物,大都需要昆虫传递花粉,才能受精。
One way is to fertilise the oceans with iron, so plankton grows and absorbs carbon. 方法之一是向海水施含铁的肥,促进浮游生物生长以吸收碳。