It also reports the typical cases of hair pica resulting in hair stone in stomach, besides the cases of obsessive compulsive necrosis and fetishism. 并报告了异食头发形成胃内毛发结石、幼儿强迫症、恋物癖等典型病例。
Symbol fetishism is a kind of dissimilation in symbol world. 符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。
But since technology fetishism has the monopoly on development right now, it needs some competition. 但是自从技术物恋现在在开发有垄断,它需要一些竞争。
The fetishism of science-technological commodity essentially is the relation between people and people concealed by the science-technological commodity qua "things". 科技商品拜物教在实质上是科技商品作为“物”所掩盖着的人与人的关系;
The article is concerned with Slavoj Zizek s fetishism theory which is one of important parts of his special cynical ideology critics. 齐泽克的拜物教理论是马克思的商品拜物教与拉康的欲望理论相结合的产物,是齐泽克进行意识形态批判的切入点。
Fetishism, love mountain and water, miss bigalopolis. 拜物,恋山水,缱绻大都会。
The main body separately explicates how Marx formed and developed his theory of ideology in The German Ideology and in one section of Capital of the first volume Commodity Fetishism and Its Secret. 文章主要根据《德意志意识形态》和《资本论》第一卷第一章《商品的拜物教性质及其秘密》一节着重阐释马克思的意识形态理论的形成和深化。
In the linguistic context between man and Nature, fetishism is an inevitable cultural factor. 在人与自然对话的语境中,拜物是必不可少的文化因子。
Digital Superstition: a Kind of Modern Symbol Fetishism 数字化迷信:一种现代的符号拜物教
The commodity fetishism is the verge of modern society detected by Hegel's Master-Slave dialectics. 商品拜物教世界是黑格尔主人-奴隶辩证法所探测到的现代社会的边界。
In the context of the consumptive society, the ancient mythology and faith has gradually given their place to commodity fetishism. 在消费社会的语境下,古老的神话和信仰逐渐让位于商品拜物教。
In gaming, design and creativity often wither on the vine because of the industry's technology fetishism. 在游戏,因为工业的技术物恋,设计和创造性经常在藤上凋谢。
The Fetishism of the Commodity and its Secret. 商品的拜物教性质及其秘密〉。
In a sense, this meeting is also a part of the fetishism of art. 从某种意义上,我们这次会议也是对艺术的盲目崇拜的一个部分。
Survey and Analysis on the Fetishism of Internet in Baokang County; attraction between adjacent ships 对保康县在校学生互联网盲目崇拜现象的调查研究运动中邻船互吸现象
As wrong ideas, commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality. 商品拜物教、货币拜物教是一种错误的观念,属认识水平问题,与道德无关。
Digital symbol Fetishism manifests itself in digital crime, digital virus, digital hacker, and digital indulgence, etc. 数字化符号拜物教的表现形式主要有数字化犯罪、数字化病毒、数字化黑客、数字化沉溺等。
A Brief Discussion of Power Fetishism Analyzing the Deep Cause of Transmutation of the Pre-Soviet Union Socialism; On Ideological Criticism of Marxism The Falsity and Fetishism of Ideology 权力拜物教略论兼析前苏联社会主义瓦解的深层原因论马克思的意识形态批判意识形态的虚假性与拜物教
Technology fetishism is so easy to quantify that it forces out the more complex creative analysis. 技术物恋是那么容易的确定它外面强迫更复杂的有创造性的分析。
The fetishism is due to the invasion of the capital of the process of production of meaning, and the need of consumer's finding difference of meaning and confirming identity. 拜物现象的出现既源于资本对意义建构过程的入侵,也与消费者追求意义差异、确认身份的需要有关。
This is the fetishism of art. 这就是对艺术的盲目崇拜。
The Conditions for Contemporary Chinese Currency Fetishism to Come into Being and the Reasons to Exist 当代中国货币拜物教产生的条件和存在的原因
Jean Baudrillard's theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx's commodity fetishism and the western Marxist's theory of consumer alienation. 鲍德里亚的符号消费理论是与马克思的商品拜物教和西方马克思主义者的消费异化是一脉相承的。
Although money worship and commodity fetishism, currency fetishism are the same in some respects, they are different form each other. Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants. 拜金主义虽与商品拜物教和货币拜物教相通,但却又不相同。从前拜倒在绅士权力下面的人,现在却拜倒在农民权力之下。
The fetishism property of money is the relation of persons representing the shadowy forms of relation of substances. 商品货币形式中人与人的关系表现为物与物关系的虚幻形式,就是商品货币的拜物教性质。
She announces the loneliness of people's emotion in the modern society by depicting of the symptom of fetishism. 她通过对角色病态的恋物癖症状的描摹,揭示现代社会人们情感的孤独与失落;
The theoretical foundation of the concept is Marx's analysis of commodity fetishism in The Capital. 这一概念的理论基础是马克思《资本论》中关于商品拜物教的分析。
So long as there are commodities, currency and capital, there must be commodity fetishism. 只要社会存在和发展着商品、货币、资本,商品拜物教就必然存在。
First, Adorno distinguished concept fetishism from concept. 首先,阿多诺区分了概念与概念拜物教两个概念。