In fact, rap` s fetishizing of the Cadillac may have helped bring the brand back from the brink in the 1990s. It put a halo of coolness on a car associated with elderly buyers. 事实上,从90年代起,这种迷恋和崇拜给原本以中老年顾客为主的卡迪拉克蒙上了一层潮流光环,促使这个老品牌焕发新生。
Fetishizing social has become a major distraction. And we love to be distracted. 盲目迷恋社交影响已经成为一件最分散精力的事情,而且我们似乎喜欢受到这种纷扰。
Even where she focuses only upon a detail, the photograph is not the product of a fetishizing view but of her desire to place the part in relation to the whole. 甚至当她聚焦于一个细节,照片也不是作为一种偶像的迷恋,而是渴望将局部和总体形成关联。
They're fetishizing that I worship. 他们在拿我崇拜的东西当娱乐。