Validation of Method for Microbial Limit Test of Pill for Lowering Fibrinolysin and Thrombolysis 降纤溶栓丸微生物限度检查方法的建立
Objective To investigate the treatment effect of deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities with fibrinolysin. 目的观察纤溶酶治疗下肢深静脉血栓的临床疗效。
Clinical study of blood coagulation and fibrinolysin in acute traumatic hemothorax 急性创伤性血胸凝血功能异常的临床研究
Conclusion fibrinolysin may obviously improve clinical symptoms and promote cerebral blood flow in patients with acute cerebral infarction. 本文应用纤溶酶治疗急性脑梗死取得了显著疗效,现将结果报告如下。
The method of plasmin plate was used to determine if the McAb can inhibit the fibrinolysin action of the fibrinolytic factor. 采用血纤维蛋白平板法,观察单克隆抗体能否抑制纤溶因子的纤溶作用。
Earthworm fibrinolysin can not only lyse fibrin directly but also activate plasminogen, even it is able to lyse fibrin under 0-4 ℃. 在0&4℃时也能水解血纤维蛋白。
Specific activities for the fibrinolysis of coagulated fibrin ( mm~ 2/ mg of protein) of earthworm fibrinolysin and YONG SHIM are 83,700 and 24,430, respectively. 蚯蚓纤溶酶和龙心的溶纤比活力(mm~2/mg蛋白)分别为83700和24430蚯蚓纤溶酶既能直接水解血纤维蛋白,又能激活血纤溶酶原。
Study on the extracting technique of fibrinolysin from earthworm 蚯蚓血纤蛋白溶酶提取工艺研究
Earthworm fibrinolysin is able to be isolated 9 components with different fibrinolytic activities by DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow ionexchange chromatography. 蚯蚓纤溶酶经DEAE-Sepharose离子交换柱层析,可分离为9个纤溶活力不同的组分。
Conclusion: these results show that the use of tranexamic acid after CPB can protect blood platelets and reduce postoperative bleeding, which might be related to the inhibition of fibrinolysin. 结论:止血环酸可抑制纤溶酶活性,保护血小板,能明显减少术后出血和输血量。
This paper has expounded the research results of determinating method of earthworm fibrinolysin activity ( efficiency). 本文主要阐述了蚯蚓纤溶酶活性(效价)的测定方法的研究结果。
Studies on the technology for separation and purification of earthworm fibrinolysin 蚯蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化工艺研究
Sodium Nitrite Random Mutagenesis of Bacillus subtilis Fibrinolysin 亚硝酸钠体外随机突变枯草杆菌纤溶酶基因及其产物性质研究
This paper has reported the research results of determination of earthworm fibrinolysin components molecular weight using Sephadex G-100 column Chromatography and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 本文报告了用SephadexG&100柱层析法纯化样品和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测定纤溶酶组成成分的分子量的研究结果。
A Study on Extraction and Separation and Purification of Earthworm Fibrinolysin 蚯蚓纤维蛋白溶解酶的提取分离纯化
Curative efficacy of fibrinolysin in the treatment of cerebral infarction 纤溶酶治疗急性脑梗死49例临床疗效分析
The paper reported the effect of fibrinolysin from Hunan Agkistrodon acutus on hemorheology in23 cases of hyperviscosaemia and31 cases of cerebral thrombosis. 本文报告湖南尖吻腹蛇纤维蛋白溶解酶(简称蛇纤溶酶)对23例单纯高粘血症和31例脑血栓形成患者血液流变学的影响。
Study on the Variance Partial Indexes of Anticoagulation and Fibrinolysin in Patients with Chronic Glomerulopathy 慢性肾小球疾病患者血浆中部分抗凝和纤溶指标变化的探讨
Methods Collecting the plasma of 42 acute cerebral infarction patients, the content of fibrinogen? D dimer and fibrinolysin was determined, and was compared with their content in control group. 方法采集42例急性脑梗死患者血浆,测定其纤维蛋白原、D二聚体及纤溶酶原含量,并与对照组进行比较。
Results The fibrinolytic indexes ( fibrinolysin, PAI and D dimer) at 24 h after injury were significantly different from that in control group and at 7 d and 14 d in patients. 结果伤后24小时内3项纤溶指标的检测结果与对照组、伤后7天、14天比较均有非常显著的差异;
Objective: To investigate the disturbances of blood coagulation and fibrinolysin in early stage of cerebral hemorrhage, and evaluate their effect on diagnosis. 目的:研究脑出血早期凝血与纤溶系统功能障碍,并探讨其与脑出血程度及预后的关系。