Results: Radiographic examination showed a characteristic periosteal reaction predominantly on the metacarpals, phalanges, metatarsals, tibias, fibulas, ulnae and radii. 结果:X线片示双侧掌骨、指骨、跖骨、尺桡骨及胫腓骨呈特征性TA骨膜反应。
To prevent the fracture of tibias and fibulas from nonunion or delay union, high pressure oxygen was used as a supplementary treatment for 70 cases of tibial and fibular fracture after close or surgery reduction and fixation. 为予防胫腓骨骨折不愈合或延迟愈合,应用高压氧辅助治疗70例经过闭合或手术复位固定的胫腓骨骨折病人。