'Must have been a fiddly job.' — 'You can say that again.' “那一定是件精细活。”——“说得太对了。”
It's just the fiddly details of installation, including the location of necessary libraries and sometimes minor graphical decorations, that distinguish the DEs. 只有安装中更精细的细则,包括必要的库的位置以及一些较小的图形修饰,才会区别不同的桌面环境。
Outside the state firms, the fiddly conglomerate is the favoured form of organisation. 除了国有公司,需要灵巧操作的企业集团成了较受青睐的企业组织形式。
In one experiment he gave people fiddly hypothetical choices, giving some plenty of time to concentrate, while he distracted others before suddenly asking them to choose. 在一次试验中,他要求人们进行复杂的假设选择,一部分人得到大量时间来集中精力思考,同时他会去分散其他人的注意力,然后突然让他们进行选择。
Beech nuts are tasty but fiddly to eat. 山毛榉的果实很可口,但吃起来却很费事。
But neither is available consistently across all web hosting systems and each is just fiddly and imperfect enough to deter less technical web designers from using it. 但是无论是跨所有网络虚拟主机系统上一致有效的升级,还是彼此独自运行烦琐而不完善的方案,都不足于阻止人们使用低技术含量的网页设计器。
It is a very fiddly job. 这是一件非常累人的工作。
At key moments, though, this apparently fiddly hierarchy can be decisive. 不过在关键时刻,这个复杂的组织架构会是决定性因素。
There are just so many fiddly little settings on both sides of a file exchange that it is always a challenge to get everything working just right. 在文件交换的两边就是有那麽多难弄的细微设置,让一切都工作得恰到好处始终是一个挑战。
Stereo speakers are on either side of the screen for maximum sound effect, while stereo microphones are in the top edge, where there is a very fiddly on-off button, a headphone jack and play/ pause/ volume controls. 为达到最好的音效,PlayBook屏幕两侧都配有立体声扬声器。立体声麦克风位于屏幕顶部边缘,那里有一个很小的开关按钮,一个耳机插孔和播放/暂停/音量控制按钮。
Be careful when you paint that fiddly bit in the corner. 墙角那里难漆,要仔细。
This tin-opener is awfully fiddly. 这把罐头刀很不好使。
A fiddly task like threading a needle often makes you frown. 烦琐的工作就像穿针引线一样,常常令你皱眉头。
Repairing something as small as a watch is a very fiddly job. 修理像手表这样小的东西是很精细的活。
Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate. 我最不愿意干换保险丝这类活儿了。