Mr Perks questioned them at length to establish their bona fides. 珀克斯先生最后质问他们如何证明自己的诚意。
But Congress has the ability to require financial institutions to verify the bona fides of every cent they process. 但国会有权力要求金融机构核实他们处理的每一分钱的合法性。
TURKEY// The Aegean Riviera continues to rev up its boho bona fides as artists and designers join moguls and media makers along its crystalline coastline. 土耳其//随着众多艺术家与设计师加入到滑雪行列、媒体制造商来到其水晶般清澈透明的海岸线,爱琴海里维埃拉(Riviera)的波西米亚风潮继续升温。
Defense officials have said previously that Kim Jong Eun, the third son of the current leader, has been trying to prove his military bona fides by ordering attacks on the South. 国防部官员以前说现任领导人的第三子金正恩一直通过下令攻击韩国来试图证明他的军事诚意。
"bona fides: Information that serves to guarantee a person's good faith, standing, and reputation; authentic credentials:" 信誉:用以确保某人良好信誉、立
"Tell him the dog's name was Rigo," cried Uncle Henry, faintly and through static from the Other Side, when he thought his bona fides were doubted. “告诉他狗的名字是里格,”觉得自己的名誉加倍了亨利叔在电话的另一端喊道,声音当时听起来却有一丝衰弱。
As soon as they confirm they're bona fides. 一旦他们确认这些没问题。
He wanted to check on my bona fides. 他想要调查我的诚意。
Since last autumn US officials have held a couple of rounds of talks with Taliban representatives, but the logistics, in particular the checking of Taliban bona fides, have been difficult. 自去年秋季以来,美国官员已经与塔利班代表举行了两轮谈判,但在具体安排上(尤其是核实塔利班代表的身份是否真实)相当困难。
Respondents must be enabled to check without difficulty the identity and bona fides of the Researcher. 被访者必须能够毫无困难地检查研究人员的身份和真实性。
The fides of the company is generally a question for the jury. 该公司的信用是陪审团要考虑的一个问题。
They may have difficulty in establishing their political bona fides. 他们要想证实自己的政治诚意可能是困难的。
The mala fides of the company is generally a question for the jury. 总的说来,该公司的蓄意欺骗行为是陪审团要考虑的一个问题。
This article tries to clarify the applicable scope of bona fides acquisition, and analyze the essential elements when applied to the real estate as well as relationship between the system and unauthorized punishment. 着重澄清善意取得制度的适用范围问题,分析不动产适用该制度的构成要件以及其与无权处分行为的关系。
On the basis of comparative analysis ou Bona fides and No fault, Mala fides and fault, this essay holds that Bona fides and No fault are consistent in essence with a few fine distinction; 在对善意与无过错、恶意和过错的比较分析的基础上.本文认为善意和无过错本质是一致的,但存在细微差别;
The system of acquisition bona fides refers to the protection for safety of ownership of property and property transaction in civil law. 善意取得制度涉及民法财产所有权的静的安全与财产交易的动的安全之保护问题。
If some format items breach the laws, public welfare, bone fides or other contract items, they should lose the effect. 格式条款如果违反了法律的禁止性规定、公序良俗、诚信原则以及同非格式条款相抵触时,应不具有法律效力。
In the modern system of civil law, the principle of bona fides is still the supplement and amendment to the principle of will autonomy. 在现代民法制度中,诚信原则仍旧是意思自治原则的补充和修正;
As an old system, bona fides acquisition plays an important part in Real Right Law. 善意取得制度作为一项古老的制度,在物权法中居于重要地位。
The liability of bona fides third party in tort if business secrets is a complicated problem, lack definite stipulations to the problem in our law have caused great difficulties in judicial practices. 在商业秘密侵权中,善意第三人的责任是一个较为复杂的问题。我国法律对此缺乏明确的规定,给司法带来了困难。
The paper studies the definition of bona fides third party and its liability, the relevant legal stipulations of the foreign countries, and puts forward some suggestions in strengthening our relevant law-making with a view to perfecting our legal system in the protection of business secrets. 本文对善意第三人及其责任的界定、外国法律的有关规定进行了探讨,并对我国如何加强其立法提出了建议,以期推动我国商业秘密保护法律制度的完善。
The principle of bona fides in the civil law originated from the legal culture of western business, which reminds us that it is different from the honesty and the credit in the Chinese tradition of ethics. 民法中的诚信原则根源于西方的商业法制文化,仅此一点就足以提醒我们,它与源自中国传统伦理的诚实信用绝不可轻易等同。
With publicity, chattel mortgage right may challenge the bona fides third party. 动产抵押权经过公示的可以对抗善意第三人,未经公示的不可对抗善意第三人。
The concept of Bona Fides is the reflection of the abstract notion of Fairness in Contract Law. 诚信概念是极端抽象的公平观念在合同法中的反映。
As required by Distributive Justice, theory of the obligation of security is gradually developed based on the bona fides principle. 安全保障义务理论是在诚实信用原则之下因分配正义的需要而逐步发展起来的。
Bona fides means doing good and keeping faith to others; it is a kind of practical reason. 善意是指与人为善,诚实信用,属于实践理性。
Last but not least, on account of the concealment of dormant partnership, it is possible to bring adverse effect on the bona fides third party and dormant partner. As for this, this thesis raises suggestions to establish restriction mechanism in order to eliminate unfavorable factors. 最后,由于隐名合伙制度设计的隐蔽性,有可能给隐名合伙人与善意第三人带来不利影响,故对此提出相关制约机制的立法建议。
Added with natural international law, the international law will become a perfect, systematic and formally rational "law". Secondly, I think there are five basic principles of natural international law: justice, equity, equality, bona fides and harmony. 在纳入自然国际法之后,国际法将成为完备的、自成体系的、具有形式合理性的法。其次,本文认为自然国际法有五项基本原则:正义、公平、平等、善意、和谐。
The theoretical foundation of bill apparent agency is the right appearance theory which provides legitimacy foundation for the good protection of the reliance interest of the bona fides third party. 票据表见代理的理论基础为权利外观理论,其为善意第三人信赖利益的保护提供了正当性基础。