(旧时的)采邑,封地 In former times, a fief was a piece of land given to someone by their lord, to whom they had a duty to provide particular services in return.
If the fight drags on, Syria will degenerate into a patchwork of warring fiefs. 如果战争拖延下去,叙利亚会处处战火不断。
If city-dwellers plump for elected mayors, they will have large fiefs. 如果城市居民选出了自己的市长,那么这些市长将得到大量的好处。
Ms Rodin decided that the separate fiefs had to go. 罗丹女士决定采取分散封地的办法。
And if instead of creating elected police commissioners, the government gave the mayors oversight over the police, the problem of overlapping fiefs would not arise. 同时,如果政府给了市长负责监督的权力而非选举监督委员会,那么就不会产生利益重叠的问题。
Feudal knights are given land, fiefs, in return for military service. 封建骑士被授以土地和采邑,同时以军事服务为回报。
These include arrogance bred of dominance of a particular area mainframe computers at IBM, personal computers at Microsoft and internal fiefs that hamper swift change. 其中包括垄断某一领域滋生的不可一世的情绪(IBM控制了电脑主机市场,微软则占据了个人电脑市场)以及内部势力割据阻碍其迅速进行变革的能力。
You collect taxes from all fiefs by visiting just one. 去往一个领地即可收到所有领地的税金。
The fiefs of Mongolia were the special districts which enjoyed a series of military, political and economical liberties. 蒙古诸王府是享有一系列军政、经济特权的特殊行政区。
When the Emperor Taizong of the Yuan dynasty ascended the throne, he established three Han marquises with fiefs of10,000 families to govern the Han army. 元太宗窝阔台即位伊始即设汉军“三万户”分统汉军,《元史·刘黑马传》又有增立“七万户”的记载。
Granted fiefs without geographical restrictions, both "ji nei" noble fiefs, there is also located in the side with a military purpose fief. 封授采邑不受地域限制,既有畿内贵族采邑,亦存在设在边地带有军事之目的采邑。