The order of keys in ascending numbers of sharps or flats can be illustrated by a circle of fifths. 升号或降号在五线谱上增加时的顺序可以用五度循环来描述。
But weight-watching women who substituted high fat dairy products with skimmed milk or yoghurt could increase their likelihood of being infertile by more than four fifths. 而那些用脱脂牛奶或酸奶代替高脂肪乳品的妇女患上不排卵不孕症的可能性超过了五分之四。
Despite being one of the best prepared nations, three fifths of those surveyed in China expect their family to care for them when they can no longer do so themselves. 尽管中国可能是准备最充分的国家,五分之三的受访者还是希望,当生活无法自理时,让家人来照顾自己。
The service had seen almost 100 passengers, four fifths of whom were female. 该活动已接待了近百位乘客,其中五分之四是女性。
Three fifths of the population here are workers. 这里五分之三的人是工人。
Of the machines we purchased from you, two fifths does not work well. 我们上一次向你方购买的机器有五分之二运转不良。
The old words which were born centuries ago in the anglo-saxon, Germanic and French languages make up four fifths of the English language. 几个世纪以前,源于盎格鲁?撒克逊语、日尔曼语以及法语的原有词汇,占英语的五分之四。
This is three fifths. 这是五分之三。
Paris is a city of gaiety and pleasure where four fifths of the inhabitant die of grief. 巴黎,是个有五分之四的居民死于悲伤的快乐城。
The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four fifths of the tickets had been booked. 经理走进办公室,得知有五分之四的票被预定了,他非常高兴。
Two fifths of the students in our class are girls. 我们班五分之二的学生是女生。
About three fifths of the population here are farmers. 这儿大约有五分之三的人口是农民。
It can save energy consumption by four fifths. 它可以节省五分之四的能源消耗。
Only if we can buy them at the three fifths of the invoice value. 要是我们能以原价的五分之三买下就好了。
The stock market capitalisations of Citigroup and Bank of America languish at half and three fifths of tangible book value, respectively liquidating Citi could hand shareholders a gain of 100 per cent. 花旗集团(citigroup)和美国银行(bankofamerica)的股票市值仅分别为有形账面价值的一半和五分之三,清算花旗将让股东获得100%的收益。
Three fifths of the students are women. 五分之三的学生是女性。
Three fifths of the students are in favor of the idea going hiking on the weekend. 五分之三的学生赞成周末去徒步旅行的主意。
They have covered three fifths of the distance. 他们已经走完了五分之三的距离。
In the survey, three fifths of the bankers expect the Asia-Pacific region to become the biggest financial services centre in ten years 'time, while only one fifth forecast that to be the case for London. 在调查中,五分之三的投行家预计,未来十年亚太地区将成为最大的金融服务中心地区,而对伦敦抱着同样观点的受访者比例只有五分之一。
The study also found three fifths of women admitted they had been seduced by someone purely because of their accent. 调查还发现,五分之三的女性坦称,自己曾仅仅因为某位男士的口音而被对方吸引。
China is a large country with four& fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other, uses. 中国是个大国,百分之八十的人13从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、城镇和其他用地。
Four fifths of the perjury in the world is expend on tombstone, women, and competitor. 世上的伪证,有五分之四花费于墓碑、女人以及竞争对手之上。
About two fifths of the world's population are now at risk. 现在,约有五分之二世界人口面临登革热的危险。
Finance: Four fifths of China's big commercial loans are raised in Hong Kong. 金融:中国的巨额商业贷款的五分之四是在香港筹集的。
Three fifths of patients have already died. 已经有五分之三的病人死亡了。
Adoption shall require three fourths of the votes cast, provided that any amendment to Article 13, and to the present paragraph, shall require four fifths of the votes cast. 通过需要有所投票数的四分之三票,但第十三条和本款的修正案需要有所投票数的五分之四票。
I have finished four fifths of the work. 这项工作我已经完成了五分之四。
Scales, keys, key signatures, circle of fifths, etc. 音阶,调性,调号,五度循环,等等。
Laptops, tablets and other home computers were stolen in nearly two fifths of domestic burglaries. 偷笔记本、平板和其他家庭电脑占了入室盗窃案近五分之二。